19 March 2019 Sam Van der Stricht & Pedro Fernandez EUROCONTROL SWIM – highlights and state of play 19 March 2019 Sam Van der Stricht & Pedro Fernandez EUROCONTROL
Content System Wide Information Management (SWIM) General View Sam Van der Stricht Technology View Pedro Fernandez
EUROCONTROL Directorate European Civil-Military Aviation (DECMA) Research to deployment Aviation strategies and European ATM Masterplan Relations with European & global partners Civil-Military coordination Support to States Single European Sky objectives Focus areas: digitalization, cyber security, drones Presenters members of the digitalization and information unit
Our “connection” Meteorology is key to aviation It always has been and will be even more so The future of Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) is about increased predictability Aviation on the move towards making the air transport network smarter, and according the SES ATM Masterplan also from a multi-modal point of view System Wide Information Management (SWIM) aiming at digital information exchange in support of improved decision making and collaboration.
Similar “nuts to be cracked”? Although probably differences in scale and maturity levels. People, applications and processes become more and more connected… They don’t seem ready yet … Great, we’re getting a company smartphone!…
But what is SWIM? Overloaded consumer in a pool of information. Forward looking provider and SWIM adept.
Think interfaces that exchange information. SWIM is about services. Think interfaces that exchange information.
SWIM is about interoperable information services. Satellite based Communication & Navigation Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Aircraft ETA Report Area Reservation Shared Flight Object/Information Aircraft Trajectory Report Extended AMAN Airport MET Nowcast Forecast Observation Business & Mission trajectory Time based separation Trajectory Management Framework METAR & TAF Airport CDM Integrated Departure & Arrival Manager Enhanced situational awareness OAT Flight Plan Aeornautical Information Maps & Features Runway Management Enhanced situational awareness Surface planning & routing Aeronautical Information Notification Aerodrome Map Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace Sector Team Operations Flight Object/Information Control Extended Flight Plan Network Operations Plan Airport Operations Planning Network Operations Planning System interoperability with air & ground data sharing
Technical Infrastructure Information Service? The means to standardise and perform information exchange. Tower Briefing On board App App App Technical Infrastructure Information Service Aerodrome MapInformation Information Service Aeronautical Information Information Service Event “Taxiway Closure Event”
Operational SWIM services NM B2B System to system access to Network Manager services enabling also real time data exchanges Aligned with ICAO SWIM principles Implements SWIM TI Yellow Profile Information services covering: Flight Airspace General Flow
SWIM at ICAO level SWIM Definition from ICAO Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039) and European ATM Masterplan: SWIM consists of standards, infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services
Key structural SWIM components. Information Information is encapsulated in networked services Information Service Layer put in place between the provider and the consumer Technical Infrastructure Enabler of information exchanges (e.g. messaging, security, …)
There is no magic in SWIM .
SWIM is about standards. Think specifications agreed by SWIM participants.
Some steps that lead to where we are
From Single European Sky Research to a unifying Aviation in a digital and seamless sense
SWIM, the enabler of the seamless digital future. Core principles on SWIM ‘agreed’ and international coordination initiated Development, verification and validation of SWIM WP8 & WP14 Recognition and acknowledgement of SWIM as a Key enabler Implementing Regulation for Operational Stakeholders: Pilot Common Project Defining what shall be implemented and providing incentives SWIM Standards identified to support deployment Inclusion of SWIM Standards in Rolling Development Plan of European ATM Standardisation Coordination Group (EASCG): Development by Standard Developing Organisations (SDO)
SWIM specifications in context Supporting Coordinated by Referenced by Members and Observers: EUROCAE EUROCONTROL European Commission (DG MOVE) EASA CEN CENELEC ETSI ASD CANSO Europe EDA SESAR Deployment Manager European ATM Standardisation Rolling Development Plan www.eascg.eu/rdp 18
EUROCONTROL SWIM Specifications SWIM Definition from ICAO Manual on SWIM Concept (Doc 10039) and European ATM Masterplan: SWIM consists of standards, infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services EUROCONTROL SWIM Specifications Scope
Separation of concern. Foundational Specific Information Services Infrastructure ATM Information Security Specification Update of EN16495:2014 Services Foundational Information Service related Specifications Specific Information Service related Specifications Information Infrastructure Arrival Sequence Service (WG-104) www.eurocontrol.int/publications/eurocontrol-specifications-system-wide-information-management-swim
EUROCONTROL Specification SWIM Service Description Provides requirements for describing information services. For a service consumer to discover a service, consider using a service, or implement a service consuming client Defines the minimum set of elements a service description has to contain to make it searchable and useful.
EUROCONTROL Specification SWIM Information Definition Provides requirements for information exchange definitions conform the semantics of the ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) www.airm.aero Contributes to the semantic interoperability of information.
EUROCONTROL Specification SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile Provides requirements for IT infrastructure capabilities and interfaces: Service interface bindings (e.g. protocols) Network interface bindings Facilitates the reliable, secure and efficient exchange of information. Contributes to technical interoperability.
EUROCONTROL SWIM Specifications A first foundational step Information Exchanges good use of information service talk the same language communicate and exchange data Organisation A Organisation B EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Service Description EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Information Definition EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile
But which information services? PCP IR requirements are “performance based” No technical details about how a specific information service is to be implemented Balance between what is required (e.g. PCP IR) and a good innovative idea top-down versus bottom-up Before say 1995 no one could think (“i.e. require”) digital maps on a handheld device that could show location and also make calls… How to ensure that we have an information service that is a good member of the family? Ensuring re-use
SWIM is about the right information services. Thinking collaboratively.
Service Orientation Process Key aspect of SOA No singular right way Top-Down: architecture driven Bottom-up: productivity driven activities to implement the service in a target environment and technology context activities involved in documenting operational context and business need information exchange requirements non-functional requirements activities involved in expressing what the service does and how it works activities where the information service instance is made available for use in operation
SWIM is about formalisation of information and knowledge. Think model driven .
The right information? The ATM SWIM toolbox includes a “Swiss-knife” The ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM) The reference for information exchanged in SWIM
AIRM (1) Textual descriptions e.g. ICAO Annexes Contextual Model general elements such as ATM Business Terms and publications which provide the scope Textual descriptions e.g. ICAO Annexes Conceptual Model descriptions on a level that are generally understandable to a business user data models Logical Model detailed and structured elements needed to develop technical building blocks
Unbundling ATM information to better re-bundle it. AIRM (2) Unbundling ATM information to better re-bundle it. Cross domain semantic reference Not bound to a specific solution Reference for architecting information services Tool for ensuring semantic alignment in a service oriented environment Covers iWXXM 1.2 content future work to look into iWXXM3.0
Open GeoSpatial Consortium ISO TC211 - ISO 19100 abstract specifications AIRM refers to key foundational standards e.g. ISO 19115 for metadata and ISO 19107 for geospatial data foundational within ATM but also for Meteorology OGC Implementation specifications used in SWIM contexts E.g. Geography Markup Language (GML) OGC Web Services In ATM currently FIXM does not align at GML level, but does for example at ISO 19107 level The AIRM “Swiss-knife” keeps it together
Evolution of information exchange From industry specific messaging to vendor neutral standards Towards connected processes and applications and only a few common components in the middle. PKI SWIM Services Registry
One step beyond 2018 – the breakthrough of mainstream graph database technologies Everybody can become “the next one” Use cases such as: Lineage metadata Infrastructure management Re-birth of the semantic web as “connected data” Silos remover Knowledge graphs Filtering information Starting to think about possibilities
SWIM overview take away. information services at the heart of an agile and customer oriented system more parallelized and connected environments enablement of virtualisation unbundling information to better re-bundle it enables digital transformations towards a seamless and smart system
Technology focus
A look into the future Augmented Reality Autonomous systems Artificial Intelligence Digital Twins IoT Smart Spaces
A clear change and trend Data explosion 2.5 quintillion bytes of data a day 90% worlds data created the last 2 years Source: IBM Interconnectivity growth 2000: 1B users 2018: 23B things 2025: 75B things
Enabling Technical Interoperability SWIM TI Challenge Enabling Technical Interoperability Technical interoperability Agility in future evolution Flexibility uptake Cost efficiency Security
A collective approach... Establishing a common framework …with inputs from a large number of heterogeneous organizations …addressing issues shared at global level Establishing a common framework
SWIM TI Foundation Framework Components and capabilities SWIM TI Capabilities Messaging Connectivity Message Distribution Validation Policy Enforcement Data Transformation Orchestration Security Identity management Authentication Authorization Cryptography Key Management Audit Security Monitoring Policy enforcement Boundary protection TI Management Resource Monitoring Service Monitoring Alerting Logging Replication Persistance Load balancing
SWIM TI Foundation Framework Principles Managed technical diversity. Collaboratively managed list of preferred SWIM TI Bindings. Standards Based Technical Interoperability. Established technology standards. Widely deployed and widely supported technology standards. Modularity. Enabling the progressive deployment of different SWIM TI functional capabilities and bindings. Platform Independent interfaces. Interfaces between systems do not create dependencies imposed by implementation platforms, such as operating system or programming language. SWIM TI Functional Capabilities supported by COTS. Common features of established COTS.
Infrastructure Specifications One size does not fit all Specific ATC-ATC Specific Air-Ground Specific Military General Purpose ATM Information Exchange Needs
Infrastructure Specifications One size does not fit all Support to wide range of information exchanges Mainstream technology Cost efficient implementation for the consumers Security over private networks as well as the internet Specialises in providing AMQP 1.0
Infrastructure Specifications Optimized message exchange patterns The dumper pattern Hey consumer, this is all I have… Cherry picking patterns Enable consumers select what they need when they need it Request/Reply with filters Pub/Sub
Common Infrastructure Components PKI Service Registry
Common PKI Interoperable Security
PKI Implementation Approach SPECIFICATIONS DEVELOPMENT. Develops common specifications for secure collaboration and information exchange through federation across the aviation community. Establish common methods and solutions that align and enable global interoperability. The specifications fall into these categories: Secure information exchange Identity credentials/digital identities and attributes Federated identity Information assurance GOVERNANCE. Establishes policy and governance for the aviation community . Interoperable Identity Federation Trust Framework Common Operating Rules Legal Framework & Allocation of Liabilities Accreditation & Trustmark COMMON BRIDGE. Hosts a Common Bridge for Aviation only Membership that enables secure collaboration between all aviation Stakeholders.
PKI Implementation Approach Initial Target Dream
Common Infrastructure Components PKI Service Registry
SWIM Registry during SESAR 1000 Users 150 Organizations 70 Service Implementations
SWIM TI take away. One constant in technology: CHANGE Set up a framework that supports change First, information exchange needs, then technology Optimize your exchange patterns Consider standardized technologies that enable loose coupling Security every step of the way Consider common solutions for common problems.
Questions swim@eurocontrol.int
Some references SWIM Overview SWIM Specifications http://www.eurocontrol.int/swim SWIM Specifications http://www.eurocontrol.int/publications Email swim@eurocontrol.int