Mendeley Overview VISHAL GUPTA Customer Consultant South Asia Check what ref manager When license end VISHAL GUPTA Customer Consultant South Asia Mendeley Profile: <>
What is Mendeley?
Why is Mendeley important? Content and workflow tools that improve the efficiency and outcomes for researchers Current awareness Apply for grants Search & discover Read & evaluate FTA’s Share, collect & store Write Submit Review & publish Manage my career & network Researcher-centricity as the key concept behind our activities and products – looking at the whole picture of the researcher’s workflow!
What is Mendeley? Mendeley is a reference manager allowing you to manage, read, share, annotate and cite your research papers... ...and a social & academic collaboration network with more than 5.6 Million users to connect like-minded researchers & discover research trends and statistics. … forming a crowdsourced database with a unique layer of social research information and an Open API
Mendeley’s Three Key Values “Drives Researcher Productivity” “Enables Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing” Social, Research Network & Groups Reference manager “Creates Additional Insights & Build Apps” Research Data & API
How to use Mendeley?
Creating a free Profile
Creating a free Profile
Creating a free Profile “Preferably, Use your institutional ID. You may also use your personal IDs. Please note that the email ID used is only a username”
Creating a free Profile “Kindly fill up all details in step by step as asked. Fill in each and every detail correctly”
Mendeley- How to use(App and web version) The web version can be accessed at The application needs to be downloaded and can even be used when offline.
“This is how the home screen looks after logging in to Mendeley.” Using Mendeley “This is how the home screen looks after logging in to Mendeley.”
Using Mendeley Academic Job Portal Global Funding opportunities details Please surf on your own. Search can be made by qualification, location, subject area, position, experience etc. Search for funding opportunities based on subject area, field of specialization, location, citizenship, position etc. Details on next page.
Funding Click here
Funding There are about 20 subject categories further sub-categorized into 400 specific research areas to choose.
Funding Click here to expand a particular subject into sub categories Choose your preferred sub-category Click on results to get all funding opportunities available in the selected category globally.
Funding Choose India
Funding Choose from applicable Categories like Graduate students, Post graduate students, Early career researchers, Experienced or mid-category researchers, women scientists etc.
Days left to apply for this funding Title of the funding Funding Agency Days left to apply for this funding Funding amount Funding type
Downloading the app- From Homepage
How to open the App Once you have downloaded the app, you can see a shortcut on your desktop Clicking on the icon opens the application- Mendeley Desktop
How to use the app- Adding files to library You may also use these icons to add documents/folders To add documents to the library, just drag the files or folder from your desktop and drop here
How to use the app- Creating Citations and Bibliography Install Web importer and MS Word Plugin
How to use the app- Web Importer Web importer Icon The web importer is added as an add in extension to your browser(eg. Chrome) that helps saving PDF Files/Citation information directly from any website to Mendeley.
How to use the app- MS Word Plugin Under the tab “References”, you can find “Mendeley Cite-o-matic” which appears only after you install MS Word plugin from Mendeley Desktop app. This tab can be used to insert citations and create bibliography automatically.
Thank you If ask about flow: talk about cross platform Full text search Mendeley Suggest 7000 citation styles PubMed, and Arxiv ID metadata