Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Geosciences Research in the Office of Science at the Department.


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Presentation transcript:

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Geosciences Research in the Office of Science at the Department of Energy Nicholas B. Woodward Geosciences Research Program Office of Science May 9, 2005 Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Views of Science George F. Will, Thursday, May 22, 2003 (from his comments on When Krakatoa Blew by S. Winchester) Geology has joined biology in lowering mankind's self-esteem. Geology suggests how mankind's existence is contingent on the geological consent of the planet. Although the planet is hospitable for the moment, it is indifferent -- eventually it will be lethally indifferent -- to its human passengers House of Representatives Committee on Science Report: the role of science has evolved to emphasize economic development, independence, and the ability to address issues in our country - and in the world that have scientific and technological solutions Rick Weiss, Washington Post, April 10, 2005 … Americans have lost sight of the value of non-applied, curiosity driven research – the open-ended sort of exploration that doesnt know exactly where it is going but so often leads to big payoffs…. Why should we care about this demand for results before the research begins?....Because our knowledge of the world and our support of knowledge for knowledges sake is a core measure of our success as a civilization. Utilitarian Catastrophic Inspirational

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Secretary Spencer Abraham $22.3B FY 2005 Under Secretary for Nuclear Security/ Administrator for Nuclear Security $9.05B Under Secretary for Energy, Science and Environment Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Deputy Administrator for Naval Reactors Director, Office of Science $3.6B Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy $572M Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy $1.25B Nuclear En, Science & Tech $504M Energy Information Administration Power Marketing Administration Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management $7.05B Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management $572M Departmental Staff and Support Offices General Counsel Chief Financial Officer Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health Assistant Secretary for Congressional & Intergovnm'tal Affairs Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Office of Economic Impact and Diversity Inspector General Counterintelligence Intelligence Office of Security and Emergency Operations/ Chief Information Officer Office of Independent Oversight and Performance Assurance Office of Public Affairs Office of Policy Office of Management and Administration Office of Worker and Community Transition Office of Hearings and Appeals Contract Reform and Privatization Project Office Secretary of Energy Advisory Board Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Liaison

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences 1 Linac Coherent Light Source (PED) 3 Special Purpose Centers 4 Synchrotron Radiation Light Sources 4 High-Flux Neutron Sources (SNS under construction) 4 Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers 5 Nanoscale Science Research Centers (PED and construction) Advanced Light Source Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab National Synchrotron Light Source Advanced Photon Source National Center for Electron Microscopy Shared Research Equipment Program Center for Microanalysis of Materials Electron Microscopy Center for Materials Research High-Flux Isotope Reactor Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Combustion Research Facility Pulse Radiolysis Facility Materials Preparation Center Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Spallation Neutron Source Linac Coherent Light Source Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies Molecular Foundry Center for Nanoscale Materials Office of Science Scientific User Facilities Center for Functional Nanomaterials

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences BES Programmatic Criteria Excellence – Innovative high-quality research Relevance Importance in supporting long-term DOE mission objectives Stewardship Using DOE facilities and supporting DOE laboratory capabilities Research does two things: It expands the range of choices, and It provides the basis for wise choices among options.

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences The Hydrogen Economy solar wind hydro fossil fuel reforming nuclear/solar thermochemical cycles H2H2 gas or hydride storage H2H2 automotive fuel cells stationary electricity/heat generation consumer electronics H2OH2O production storage use in fuel cells Bio- and bioinspired 9M tons/yr 40M tons/yr (Transportation only) 9.72 MJ/L (2015 FreedomCAR Target) 4.4 MJ/L (Gas, 10,000 psi) 8.4 MJ/L (LH 2 ) $3000/kW $35/kW (Internal Combustion Engine) Earth sciences issues for New Energy

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences FY 2004 National Research Programs in Geosciences USGS11 programs$ M NSF10 programs$ M DOE12 programs $ 153.7M FY04 Total$ M Directed Research$ M Investigator/Team Basic Research$ 94.4 M (NSF, DOE) USGS – National assessments l BES - Atomic-to-continuum-scale studies of earth processes and properties important to DOE missions ($21.5 M) l NSF - Geology and Paleontology, Geophysics, Hydrologic Sciences, Petrology and Geochemistry, and Tectonics ($72.9 M) Everyone thinks Earth Science is important enough to have a targeted activity but What are the overarching challenges?????

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Grand Challenges in the Earth Sciences – Board on Earth Sciences and Resources Study begins June 1, 2005 Kick-off at the May 12-13, 2005 Board meeting and AGU Town Hall Meeting May 26, 2005 in New Orleans Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy

Basic Energy Sciences Department of Energy Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Sciences Future Budget Prospects –AAAS Analysis