2014-15 Healthy Food Committee Work Hermosa Beach City School District June 10, 2015 Superintendent – Patricia Escalante 2014-15 Healthy Food Committee Work
Background and Vision Parents prioritizing health food choices for school lunches Formation of “Food Moms Committee” Vision: All students will have access to healthy food options through the HBCSD cafeteria food program. ELA - 87% Advanced / Proficient
Accomplishments Exploration and education of state and national food guidelines and requirement Process for providing a food program to district students Survey of parents and students about district food program Need for an updated Wellness Policy Decision making process Understanding of what the national/ state nutritional guidelines are – free and reduced lunch Understanding that HBCSD does not have a cafeteria, contract with Torrance. Not required to provide a school lunch program Survey provided benchmark data on student preferences, costs of lunch, priority of organic foods – farm to table Recently approved – important document to guide the district in consistent application of wellness focus Looking at “low hanging fruit” – changes that could be made quickly and without impact
Changes Salad Bar: Change in how fruit is cut Introduce foods that align with Nutrition Lessons – BCHD Featuring fruits/vegatables of the week Aides monitoring and encouraging students how to navigate the salad bar Parent education Simple access to fruit at different ages. Whole vs cut apple Introduce new foods at salad bar that align with lessons – Hickama Featuring new fruits – Taking variety try this or that Addition of displays of salad bar and sample lunches – thank angela
Food Swaps Examination of monthly menus Pizza pilot - Domino vs Fresh Brothers Prepackaged salads Partnership with Torrance Look at daily choices and weekly choices – substitute foods Extra cost to the district – sales Kids used to prepackaged – huge hit Periodic meetings to build relationship
Future Focus Create a Wellness display at the food service counter Examine drinking water options Expand student education Parent docents Kids post pictures from home of meals from nutrition docent lessons Funding sources for filtered water machines – change the culture Have a sample salad of the week and accompanied recipe card Expand committee to support addition of educational components and coordination with grades of green and BCHD docents