KS5 Curriculum Overview Politics Exam Board: Edexcel
Statement of intent Key Stage: 5 Subject: Politics Academic Year: 2019-20 Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the role politics plays in relation to current local, national, and global issues, as well as studying key thinkers and political ideas. Although Politics stands alone as a subject, it builds upon knowledge and key concepts learnt at both KS3 and KS5 particularly in History for example key terms such as: socialism, political spectrum, hierarchy, tolerance, democracy, right-wing, left-wing and election. Subject Aims: Develop knowledge and an informed understanding of contemporary political structures and issues, in the United Kingdom (UK) and globally and a critical awareness of the changing nature of politics and the relationships between political ideas, institutions and processes To have an informed understanding of the influences and interests which have an impact on decisions in government and politics Develop knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups Cultivate the ability to critically analyse, interpret and evaluate political information to form arguments and make judgements Develop an interest in, and engagement with, contemporary politics. Knowledge and skills: UK Government and Politics To investigate how people and politics interact through exploring the emergence and development of the UK’s democratic system and the similarities, differences, connections and parallels between direct and indirect democracy. To focus on the role of political parties, including the significance of the manifestos they publish at election time and their relevance to the mandate of the resulting government. To understand the individual in the political process and their relationship with the state and their fellow citizens. To examine how electoral systems in the UK operate and how individuals and groups are influenced in their voting behaviour and political actions, with a focus on voting patterns, voting behaviour and the role of the media. To investigate the set of rules governing politics in the UK, the UK Constitution, which is different in nature from most of the rest of the world. To introduce the specific roles and powers of the different major branches of the government – legislative, executive, and judiciary – as well as the relationships and balance of power between them, and consider where sovereignty now lies within this system. To explore the following key themes: the relative powers of the different branches of UK government; the extent to which the constitution has changed in recent years; the desirability of further change; and the current location of sovereignty within the UK political system. Ideologies To explore the three traditional political ideas of conservatism, liberalism and socialism and one of five additional political ideas. To learn about the core ideas and principles and how they apply in practice to human nature, the state, society and the economy, the divisions within each idea and their key thinkers. Government and Politics of the USA To understand the nature of US democracy, and the debates surrounding it, and the impact USA has on UK, European and global politics. To explore the US Constitution and the arguments surrounding this guiding document of US democracy. In learning about the key institutions of government in the USA and analysing the manner in which they achieve this power and exercise it over their citizens. To debate the nature of democracy in the USA and evaluate the extent to which it remains an issue. To engage with comparing and contrasting politics and institutions in the US with those in the UK. This will develop a wider understanding of politics as a discipline, underpinned by the theoretical concepts of comparative politics.
Assessment Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 5 Subject: Politics Academic Year: 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 12 Paper 1: UK Politics Paper 2: UK Government Key Topic 1 Democracy and participation Current systems of democracy. A wider franchise and debates over suffrage. Pressure groups and other influences. Key 2 Topic: Political parties The functions and features of political parties, UK political parties in context, party systems, factors that affect success Key Topic 3 : Electoral systems Different electoral systems Referendums and how they are used Electoral system analysis. Key Topic 4: Voting behaviour and the Media The factors that explain the outcomes of elections Analysis of the national voting-behaviour Assessment of the role and impact of the media on politics Key Topic 5: The Constitution The nature of the UK Constitution How the constitution has changed since 1997. The role and powers of devolved bodies. Key Topic 6: The PM and Executive The structure, role, and powers of the Executive The concept of ministerial responsibility Key Topic 7: Parliament The structure and role of the House of Commons and House of Lords. Their comparative powers The legislative process Key Topic 8: Relations between branches The Supreme Court The relationship between the Executive and Parliament The aims, role and impact of the European Union Key Topic 9: Liberalism Liberalism: core ideas and principles Differing views and tensions within liberalism Liberal thinkers and their ideas. Assessment Bridging Work Weekly - fortnightly section A and B 30 mark and 24 mark exam essay questions Consolidation questions on key content at the end of every in lesson. Weekly evaluate section A and B 30 mark and 24 mark exam essay questions Weekly evaluate section A and B 30 mark and 24 mark exam essay questions Mocks Weekly evaluate - section A and B 30 mark and 24 mark exam essay questions
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 5 Subject: Politics Academic Year: 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring1 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 13 Paper 1: Ideologies Paper 2: Ideologies Paper 3: Government and Politics USA Key Topic 1: US Constitution The nature of the US Constitution The US Constitution and federalism Key Topic 2: Conservatism Core ideas and principles Differing views and tensions Conservative thinkers Key Topic 3: US Congress The structure and functions of Congress. Interpretations and debates around Congress. Key Topic 4: US presidency presidential power Relationships between institution Interpretations and debates around the Presidency . Key Topic 5: Socialism Liberalism: core ideas and principles Differing views and tensions within liberalism Liberal thinkers and their ideas. Key Topic 6: US Supreme Court and US civil rights The nature and role of the Supreme Court, public policy and the appointment process. The protection of civil liberties and rights in the US today. Key Topic 7: Non-core political idea Differing views and tensions Key thinkers and ideas Key Topic 8: US democracy and participation Electoral systems in the USA. Politics parties and pressure groups The key ideas and principles of the Democratic and Republican parties. Interest groups in the USA Interpretations and debates of US democracy and participation Revision Assessment Bridging Work Weekly - section A,B and C 12 mark assess and 30 mark exam evaluate essay questions Consolidation questions on key content at the end of every in lesson Mocks Paper 1: UK Politics Paper 2: UK Government