Cotransfection of GluR1R flip with flip or flop GluR1 isoforms.


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Cotransfection of GluR1R flip with flip or flop GluR1 isoforms. Cotransfection of GluR1R flip with flip or flop GluR1 isoforms. The GluR1 flip subunit, mutated to carry the arginine residue at the Q/R site (1Ri) was coexpressed with wild-type versions of either the GluR1 flip or GluR1 flop subunits. A, Representative current–voltage sets (at membrane potentials of –80–0 mV in 20 mV steps) in 15 mm Ca2+, Na+-free solutions for each subunit combination. Increasing fractions of the GluR1R flip subunit produced progressive suppression of Ca2+ permeability and inward rectification. B, Relationships of average reversal potential to fraction of GluR1R flip for each ratio were significantly different when coexpressed with GluR1 flip or GluR1 flop (mean ± SEM; n = 6–7). C, Rectification (current at +10 mV divided by that at –80 mV) versus fraction of GluR1R flip subunit transfected (mean ± SEM; n = 3–8). Curves in B and C were significantly different by two-way ANOVA; p < 0.05. Asterisks mark points significantly different in post hoc analysis. James R. Brorson et al. J. Neurosci. 2004;24:3461-3470 ©2004 by Society for Neuroscience