Meteorological Measurements for Improved Air Quality Modeling
Background Factors influencing high Ozone in the Basin include both emissions and meteorological factors (temperature inversion). Air Quality Models have struggled to produce results matching observations. VOC emission inventories have been low, improving with NEI 2014 and 2017. Meteorological inputs (WRF model) struggle reproducing inversion characteristics in areas of complex terrain. Reducing uncertainty in air quality models will allow for better identification of what ozone control strategies will work the best
Boundary Layer Structure
Importance of Inversion Structure
Current Weather Balloon Sites
Dugway Instruments SODAR – measures wind profile through the scattering of sound waves by atmospheric turbulence. Every 10 m up to 1000m AGL. Radiometer – Remotely senses (Infrared) temperature and moisture profile of the atmosphere. Ceilometer (UU) – Vertically pointing laser that measures cloud height. Newer instruments can also detect inversion height. Tower – 32 meter tower instrumented at 5 heights. Wind, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, momentum fluxes, turbulence.
What Now Looking at deploying instruments during 2020 NEI, including 19-20 and 20-21 winter seasons. Locations to deploy instruments (near lowest point of the Basin) Need for meteorological measurements beyond the NEI year.