Cx3CR1-GFP expression identifies myeloid subpopulations in the cutaneous wound. Cx3CR1-GFP expression identifies myeloid subpopulations in the cutaneous wound. Cells harvested from enzymatically digested murine unwounded skin (Ai, Bi, D0), day 4 postwounding (Aii, Bii, D4) and day 7 postwounding (Aiii, Biii, D7). (A) Isolation of the CD11b+CCR2+Ly6C+ population by flow cytometry. (B) The CD11b+Ly6C+CCR2+ myeloid population separates into three subsets of GFP expression, negative-low (neg-lo), intermediate (int), and high (hi). (C) Representative Giemsa stains for the GFP subsets: neg/lo [(Ci) neutrophils, (Cii) monocytes, (Ciii) macrophages)]; int [(Civ) monocytes, (Cv) macrophages]; and hi populations [(Cvi) monocytes, (Cvii) macrophages], day 7. Scale bar, 10 μm. (D) Population counts of the GFP subsets at the indicated time points (*p < 0.05). (E) Expression of Adgre1 and Csf1r in GFP neg, int, and hi populations relative to Hist2h2 mRNA levels. MFI of CD11b surface expression (**,##p < 0.01, n = 5). Matthew Burgess et al. ImmunoHorizons 2019;3:262-273 Copyright © 2019 The Authors