Finance Presentation 2018 Finance Presenation 22nd Feb 2015
Why are we doing this?
Why are we doing this? Because as a Company “Limited by Guarantee” we should inform our stakeholders Because we want to explain what we have done and look to the future. Because we want to encourage faith, prayer and responsible giving. We want to say “Thank you!”
Why are we doing this? Because as a Company “Limited by Guarantee” we should inform our stakeholders Because we want to explain what we have done and look to the future. Because we want to encourage faith, prayer and responsible giving. We want to say “Thank you!”
Who are the Trustees? David Donoghue (Chair) Terry Everett (Company Secretary) Tony Jones (Treasurer) Liz Douglas (Trustee) Brian Foster (Trustee) Beula Rentala (Trustee)
Elders and Trustees Elders: To set direction and vision Leadership Responsible in law Certain specific responsibilities e.g. Safeguarding, Insurance, etc.
Explanations We are reporting on: 1.3.16 – 28.2.17 (2017) 1.3.16 – 28.2.17 (2017) 1.3.17 – 28.2.18 (2018)
Income 2017 2018 Tithes £40,687 £37,048 Offerings £8,788 £5,676 Gift Aid £11,432 £9,790 Total £60,907 £52,514
Two things to remember
Two things to remember I forgot my cheque book! I must catch up. Phillip Hammond still wants to give the church money
Running Costs 2017 2018 General Church Expenses £4,510 £5,047 Hall Hire £10,971 £11,672 Salaries, £14,072 £2,111 on costs and expenses Total £29,553 £18,830
March 15 – February 16 we gave away £21,580
March 2016 – February 2017 we gave away £25,040
March 2017 – February 2018 we have given away £25,087
This year we have given away 2017 2018 Individuals inc Ministry Gifts £2580 £2305 Nepal £500 STM £1,800 £1,800 O2H £1000 £1,000 Mongolia £3370 £2,760 Lifelink £8400 £8,400 Bar n Bus £400 CAP £1240 £1,440 Open Doors £1000 £1,000 India £2260 £2,560 China £500 £1,200 Barnabus £1700 £1,700 Mrs Laneous £290 £922
How do we decide our support? Prayer and thought Requests from elders Annual review of support
How do we decide our support? Prayer and thought Requests from elders Annual review of support The names of individuals supported from the Barnabas Fund are not minuted.
To be supported this year
To be supported this year Open Doors £1,000 India £1,560 Christians Against Poverty £1,440 Mongolia £2,760 School Team Ministry £1,800 Lifelink Missions £2,400 Tithe of Tithe £6,000 China £1,200 Messy Church £300
To be supported this year Open Doors £ Tony Jones India £ Pete & Liz Christians Against Poverty £ Sue B Mongolia £ Keith & Barb School Team Ministry £ Hilary Lifelink Missions £ Keith Tithe of Tithe £Keith
What else have we done?
What else have we done? Agreed revised or new policies for: Safeguarding Data Protection Health and Safety 2. Ensured insurance cover is adequate Worked with the eldership to bring Ricky Harvey to join us.
What next?
What next? Something new Elders – not an elder
What next? To ensure that the Trust is well run both financially and in its systems, fulfilling its legal requirements To support the development of the church in line with the vision of the eldership. To meet need within the resources of the Trust and the vision of the eldership To act as critical friends in the above
Pray Consider and plan your own vision based giving, both of time and money into the work of God at this church Don’t forget Gift Aid Pray for your future giving of time and money into the work of God in this church
Pray Consider and plan your own vision based giving, both of time and money into the work of God at this church Don’t forget Gift Aid Pray for your future giving of time and money into the work of God in this church Any questions ask David or Tony