Service Delivery Summaries UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Program Executive Office Special Operations Forces Support Activity (PEO SOFSA) Trusted Experts for SOF Logistics Service Delivery Summaries Chris Groves Contract Price/Cost Analyst Special Operations Forces Support Activity
COR Responsibilities Monitoring Responsibilities Reporting Monitor contract status, health, actions, and compliance Receive and review contractor reports and deliverables Execute Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) Reporting Monthly Contract Surveillance is conducted in the Surveillance and Performance Monitoring (SPM) Smart Form: COR Status Report Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) What an SDS is: A snapshot of critical items in your task order The minimum that the COR will inspect A starting place for the QASP A focus on outcomes/results not the process What an SDS is not: A list of every task the Contractor will perform A place to add new requirements A free pass to fail A limit on inspection Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) When it is used: Services What it tells the Contractor: What the customer thinks is critical The minimum standard for acceptance The flexibility of the Government At what point they have failed Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) What it looks like: A five column table Identifying Number Performance Requirement SOO/PWS Reference Performance Objective (Performance Goal) Performance Threshold (Minimum Performance) Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) Performance Performance Performance SOO/PWS Threshold SS# Objective Requirement Reference (Minimum (Performance Goal) Performance) Unique What is being Where the Contractor The standard they are When the Contractor Identifier measured. can find the task. expected to meet. has failed. • Be specific • Required • What is needed • Customer’s Environment SOF works in (where it's dark), • Be brief • No new tasks • When it is needed flexibility • Must be in SOO • Be specific • Exceeding = • Be brief Failure • 100% goal
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) Tips Look for loopholes and close them Always verify the SOO/PWS Reference References can change after a document edit Avoid percentages when you can Harder to administer More room for error Almost always a better way of writing the threshold Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) When to Use Percentages Required by regulation The COR can and will do calculations No reasonable way to avoid When to Avoid Percentages Not required by regulation A hard number will do Calculations are timely Room for error Confusing or easily manipulated Percentages are risky! Percentages give an opportunity to pick the areas to fail.
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) Percentages What the threshold says* What the Contractor Sees What the COR has to do Deliver all reports by the 10 th I can be late 10% of the time. If I Count all monthly reports, 90% of the time. deliver by the 10 th working day, calculate 90% and compare to that’s OK. actuals. Deliver all reports as one I have to deliver by the 10 th If they’re late, they’ve failed. package NLT the 10 th calendar calendar day. I cannot be late day of the month. No more than unless the Gov’t caused the zero contractor - caused delays. delay. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark), Deliver all reports NLT the 10 th I have to deliver by the 10 th Verify that all reports are on calendar day of the month. No calendar day. The Gov’t is a little time. If one report is late this is more than one discrepancy per flexible; Only one report can be noted. Any more than one late month. late during the month report is unacceptable performance. *Summary of all parts of SDS – Not actual threshold wording
Service Delivery Summary (SDS) Exercises & Examples Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Example #1 Performance Standard Acceptable Quality Level Method of Surveillance Personnel shall be fully skilled in all job tasks. 100% Random review of contractor’s work by PBO Submit Accurate Monthly Report NLT 10th of Month. 98% Reviews, periodic inspection and customer complaints Replacement personnel hired within 45 calendar days of notification of departure. Review of Contractor hiring records Because… - Incorrect Format - Wiggle Room - Not SDS material Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
(Minimum Performance) Example #1 SS# PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT SOO OBJECTIVE (Performance Goal) THRESHOLD (Minimum Performance) 1 Monthly status report submission 2.2.2 Submit monthly status report NLT the 10th day of each month. No more than one late submission per 12 month period of performance. 2 Replacement staffing levels 3.3.3 Replacement personnel hired within 45 calendar days of notification of departure. No more than zero vacant positions greater than 45 days at any point during the 12 month period of performance. Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Example #2 Performance Objective PWS Para Performance Threshold Quality Assurance 3.0 5.0 The Contractor delivers all aircraft to the customer with no Aircraft Inspection Deficiency Reports received over the period of performance. Schedule 8.0 The contractor delivers aircraft to the customer in the allotted time on the official delivery schedule with no more than 10% delay attributed to the contractor. Data Deliverables 12.0 The contractor provided data deliverables in schedule with no more than 2 minor errors and no major error per report. Minor errors are defined as typographical, grammatical, or minor omissions. Major errors are defined as misleading information, incomplete package, assessments that are not clearly defined. Because… - Incorrect format - Percentage Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Example #2 SS # Performance Requirement SOO Performance Objective (Performance Goal) Performance Threshold (Minimum Performance) 1 Quality Assurance 3.0 5.0 All aircraft delivered in accordance with the official delivery schedule. No more than zero Aircraft Inspection Deficiency reports over the program. 2 Adherence to official delivery schedule 8.0 No more than one delay attributable to the contractor, per aircraft. No more than one delay attributable to the contractor over the program. 3 Timely delivery of data deliverables 12.0 Data deliverables are complete, accurate, and on time. Corrections are submitted NLT the fifth (5th) working day after request. No more than two minor discrepancies per deliverable. No more than zero major discrepancies per deliverable. No more than three late submissions over the program. DEFINITIONS: Minor: Typographical Errors Grammatical Errors Minor Omissions Major: Misleading Information Incomplete Package Assessments Poorly Defined Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
(Minimum Performance) Example #3 SS# PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT SOO OBJECTIVE (Performance Goal) THRESHOLD (Minimum Performance) 1 Timely incorporation of engineering data updates and revisions 3.11.6 All updates and revisions incorporated NLT 90 days after notice and prior to delivery Safety-related updates and revisions incorporated immediately No more than two discrepancies per month for general updates. No more than zero discrepancies for safety revisions. 2 Provide a quality failure reporting, analysis, and corrective action system (FRACAS) to monitor performance, and timely report and correct failures 3.15.7 Develop a FRACAS process that provides early detection and correction of failures IAW with the identified timelines. No more than one discrepancy per month. Because… - Correct format - Clearly stated - Avoid %’s Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),
Questions? Environment SOF works in (where it's dark),