Benefits Plus: A Lead Generation Tool Group auto and home insurance program Leverages agency CL and EB relationships to sell more PL Groups are a unique access point in busy lives Discounted rates on products everyone needs Payroll deduction availability Agency sold: Case sale & policy sale Full marketing support
Benefits Plus: Value Proposition Unique growth tool for your agency Combats direct writers, do-not-call lists, internet marketers Leverages existing agency relationships to sell more PL Maximizes revenue per client relationship May help with retention of CL and EB accounts Great financials Will help you grow with ALL carriers
Benefits Plus: Great Financials Lower Acquisition Costs Market in bunches Leverage group relationship Discounted rates Payroll deduction availability (100+ lives) Higher Retention Not shopped as often Portable policies Better Loss Ratios Target preferred risks
Benefits Plus: Target Employer Accounts 5+ Employees Bigger the better Local employers best Solid Demographics Better than average pay Good benefits Low turnover Sample Sectors Good: High Tech, Financial, Medical, Education Bad: Retail, Contractors
Benefits Plus: Defining Key Players Roles Agents’ Role Travelers’ Role Employers’ Role Identifying prospective accounts Case sale: Selling employer on the program Policy sale: Professional quoting, counseling and enrollment services Possible servicing of account Program management Coordination of overall program Case sales tools Development of communication pieces and policy sale tools Reconciliation of payroll deductions CCC if chosen by agent 24-hour claim handling Support of the communication efforts Provide feedback to enhance the program Facilitation of the payroll deduction interface if payroll is used
Benefits Plus: Defining Key Players Roles Agents’ Role Travelers’ Role Employers’ Role Identifying prospective accounts Case sale: Selling employer on the program Policy sale: Professional quoting, counseling and enrollment services Possible servicing of account Program management Coordination of overall program Case sales tools Development of communication pieces and policy sale tools Reconciliation of payroll deductions CCC if chosen by agent 24-hour claim handling Support of the communication efforts Provide feedback to enhance the program Facilitation of the payroll deduction interface if payroll is used
Benefits Plus: Defining Key Players Roles Agents’ Role Travelers’ Role Employers’ Role Identifying prospective accounts Case sale: Selling employer on the program Policy sale: Professional quoting, counseling and enrollment services Possible servicing of account Program management Coordination of overall program Case sales tools Development of communication pieces and policy sale tools Reconciliation of payroll deductions CCC if chosen by agent 24-hour claim handling Support of the communication efforts Provide feedback to enhance the program Facilitation of the payroll deduction interface if payroll is used
Benefits Plus: Retail Similarities And Differences Different pricing on auto and home (varies by state) Auto is x% deviation Another x% auto discount if PRD Different Commissions Auto xx% new and xx% renewal Usually reduced CCC fees All other commissions the same Billing Options All regular billing types are available PRD with no fees or down payment EFT with no fees Products Underwriting Business Center Claims Process
Benefits Plus: Retail Similarities And Differences Different pricing on auto and home (varies by state) Auto is x% deviation Another x% auto discount if PRD Different Commissions Auto xx% new and xx% renewal Usually reduced CCC fees All other commissions the same Billing Options All regular billing types are available PRD with no fees or down payment EFT with no fees Products Underwriting Business Center Claims Process
Benefits Plus: Success Factors Existing Agency Relationships Infrastructure and Desire to Grow PL Cross-selling Mindset Process Owner Current Countrywide Growth is Triple Digits