Dormant Property What is Dormant Property What To Do Inventory Demographics Questions?
What is Dormant Inventory PEO SOFSA Developed Dormant Reports to identify inventory with on demands > 2 years. Inventory stretches decades prior to 2005. Dormant Inventory should not be confused with excess. Dormant inventory could have a need where excess has no requirement PEO/PM identifies and validates inventory requirements. PEO SOFSA PSD is the POC for providing information and coordinating inventory disposition
What to Do With Dormant Inventory Validate Inventory Expectations Data Near Real Time Inventory Reutilized Reduced Warehouse Footprint Report by Part Reduced Inventory Cost Surge Capacity 70/30 Dispositioned Parts excluded from Report Reports Available on Task Order Portal As we all know we store inventory that is needed to support requirements not concentrating on turn over rate. DPAS Transition
Inventory Demographics $3.32B Dollars 4.2M Total Units $702M Dormant 1.3M Dormant Units 21% Value Dormant 32% Dormant
The screenshot is a current snapshot of dormant inventory.
Inventory Conditions CONDITION UNITS DATES A (S) 4,016,216 B (S) 21,658 C (S) 5,515 D (S) 6,808 E (U) 829 2012-2016 F (U) 39,896 2005-PRESENT G (U) 11,710 H (U) 108,188 J (SUSP) 158,138 K (SUSP) 92,085 L (SUSP) 275 2007-PRESENT M (SUSP) 30 2017-PRESENT P (U) 3 2018 S (U) 116 2014-PRESENT 10% of inventory at SOFSA is Unserviceable/Suspense Date ranges of other than serviceable pre date GOLD implementation in 2005 Inventory for each task order will be reviewed prior to DPAS transition Inventory reports are available on your task order dashboard B - New, used, repaired, or reconditioned item which is restricted to specific units, activities, or geographical areas. C - An item with limited life expectancy. Example: Item with less than 3 months of shelf-life remaining. D - An item that requires test, alteration, modification, technical data marking, conversion, or disassembly by the end user prior to use. E - An item that requires limited expense or effort to restore item to a serviceable condition. F - An item which requires economical repair, overhaul, or reconditioning. G - An item which requires additional parts or components to complete the end item. H - An item which cannot be repaired or its shelf-life extended. J - An item in stock pending condition code determination or analysis. K - An item returned form end user awaiting condition code determination. L - An item in litigation or negotiation with contractors or common carriers. M - Item is in maintenance. P - An item that is uneconomical to repair but contains serviceable components or assemblies that will be reclaimed for reuse. S - Scrap E - An item that requires limited expense or effort to restore item to a serviceable condition. F - An item which requires economical repair, overhaul, or reconditioning. G - An item which requires additional parts or components to complete the end item. H - An item which cannot be repaired or its shelf-life extended. J - An item in stock pending condition code determination or analysis. K - An item returned form end user awaiting condition code determination.