ACEC Membership Survey and Association Trends
Welcome: ACEC’s Daphne Bryant Association Trends Agenda Welcome: ACEC’s Daphne Bryant Association Trends MO Membership Survey Feedback Q/A thru Chat Box Next Steps and Announcements Introduce daphne. Session is recorded.
Moery Company Background Millions of dollars sold in membership, exhibits, ads and sponsorship. More than 250,000 sales and marketing contacts. Advisor to the nation’s top associations for business growth and management. Every association is different. Having done this, there are commone challenges. We’re going to help you navigate for your association
Assume Association Continues at Your Own Risk Trade associations revisiting their value propositions and correcting for today’s realities Market forces, mergers, acquisitions and disruptors affect associations Increased communication results in hyper segmentation Increased specialization while we continue to sell annual services in bulk to homogeneous membership A trend in revenue modernization and business practices Mission – still relevant and applicable? Business model review on competition and member engagement Revisiting membership categories and new entrants Launching feasible new revenue streams, including sponsorship Building more proactive sales engines It is the best time in the world, if you are good. Because I believe companies and people will begin choosing winners and losers.
Membership Change in Past Year 2017 - 2018 Increased 52% Decreased 19% Remained the same 28% Not sure 2% Associations that have shown increased acquisition, also tend to be up in overall membership growth and retention. If you’re not growing now, it’s a challenge. Source: MGI 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report
Renewal Rates are Trending Higher Mean 88% Median 89% Most smaller associations have a an average lower than 90 percent. Which means you should be adding more than 10 in new annually at least…or you are flat…no growth Source: MGI 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report
Top EXTERNAL challenges to growing membership Cost and Industry Consolidation are Challenges to Trade Association Growth Top EXTERNAL challenges to growing membership Source: MGI 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report
Top INTERNAL challenges to growing membership Difficulty in Communicating Value is the Challenge to Growing Membership Top INTERNAL challenges to growing membership Source: MGI 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report
Prospects Join For One Reason Fundamentally – people want to learn from each other. My experience is that joining has a primary thing. But we try to tell them about every thing! Source: MGI 2018 Membership Marketing Benchmark Report
ACEC Membership Survey
In your role as Executive Director, which best describes your relationship with the MO?
Including yourself, how many total staff work in your MO (full-time and part-time)
What percentage of time do you and your staff spend in the following areas?
How many member firms do you have?
Do you use a customer relationship management (CRM) system Do you use a customer relationship management (CRM) system? (select all that apply) Other answers include: Eventbrite MS Office tools None AMO Naylor Growth Zone Web Suite by TCS Software Novi Microsoft Access Constant Contact Mailchimp No clear leader. So we will talk about the information we want to pull to be successful. Process as important as Personality and People.
Do you generate regular prospecting reports to track progress of membership recruitment?
Please choose which method your MO uses for membership recruitment. Other comments included non-member invitations to events, receptions and briefings.
Do you use scripting or talking points for calls with prospective members? Listen better, overcome bojectsions
How are new potential members added to prospect list? Other comments include DOT lists.
What is included in your on boarding program for new members? Other comments include personal visits and ambassador engagement.
List in order what are the most popular reasons why members join your MO? (Highest numbers most popular)
List in order the most popular programs you would use to engage members for high retention? (Highest numbers most popular)
What challenges do you face in designing your membership recruitment program?
What challenges do you face in executing your membership recruitment program?
Are there any other stumbling blocks to growing your membership? Other: MO has other priorities; member volunteer inconsistency.
What is working well with your current membership recruitment program? Other: Legislative program is big membership driver. Membership engagement in recruiting is important component.
How valuable would you find the following education topics related to membership recruitment for your MO? Primarily the same in non dues revenue
What other educational topics would be valuable to you and/or your MO staff? Effective communications for membership Overcoming dues pricing objections Better at articulating our value proposition Best practices from other chapters Training and scaling member volunteers Non-dues revenue development, including sponsorships
How valuable would you find the following education topics related to association governance for your MO?
Next steps for our program Upcoming Webinar Dates/Topics: April 18 Save Time! Building a Scalable Sales Process May 23 Members Testimonials and Stories for Sales Growth June 20 Business Development Techniques for Non-Sales Executives July 23 Effective Communication Programs for Membership Growth May 6th session at ACEC Annual Convention Schedule time with me below: JP's ACEC Membership Schedule Membership plan and marketing materials review program also included Moery Company website for video, podcasts, association newsfeeds, weekly newsletters and ebooks
Question and Answer Session