Impact of CMV congenital infection on hearing. Impact of CMV congenital infection on hearing. A, Timetable of the experiments. Mice were infected with CMV or received PBS at E13. They were analyzed using olfactometers and with buried food-finding tests. Their ABRs were recorded twice, at W4 and W16. B, Animal model of CMV infection in pregnancy. Murine CMV or PBS was intraplacentally inoculated in each embryo of pregnant mice under deep anesthesia. C, Body weight of the 8-postnatal day-old mice after infection with murine CMV at day 13 of gestation (n = 21 CTL, n = 35 CMV). CTL mice were injected with saline only. Outliers were identified by ROUT. Variances between the CTL and CMV groups without outliers are different (F(33,19) = 2.433, *p < 0.05), underlying the growth retardation of 9/34 CMV pups. D, Click-evoked ABR waveforms at different sound intensities. E, ABR hearing thresholds for a click. n = 8 male mice per group. p-values were calculated by Mann–Whitney test (C, D: comparison between CTL and CMV groups) or Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed–rank test (D: comparison between W4 and W16 for each mouse group). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001; mean ± SEM in bar graphs. Françoise Lazarini et al. J. Neurosci. 2018;38:10424-10437 ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience