The Art and Science of Marketing Communications Kathy Dempsey Founder, Libraries Are Essential PLAN Webinar, Aug. 6, 2019
The “Teach a Man to Fish” Philosophy I can’t tell you exactly what to say in every situation, however, I can teach you how to decide what to say.
We’re Here to Avoid This:
Influence Is at the Intersection
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Let’s Cover the Psychology of Marketing “Laughter and knowledge combined make up one powerful cocktail, and if you can mix in some pictures and images, all the better.” Paco Underhill, in Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, 2009, p. 53 Photo: WonderBook, small chain in Maryland, Facebook, 2015
Let’s Cover the Psychology of Marketing People are unlikely to read signs on entry doors and immediately inside the doors (moving, pre- occupied). People are more likely to read signs in areas where they’re waiting, and while they’re leaving (facing the exit). Paco Underhill, in Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, 2009
Let’s Cover the Psychology of Marketing Promote items with displays and endcaps. Retail has trained us to look deals or special items at the end of shelves.
Think (& Talk) Like Your Target Audience Use segmentation to help messages get noticed and absorbed. Know your target audience and align your message with them. Place messages where, and when, people are most likely to read and remember them. Make people feel important, exclusive. (Maslow’s Hierarchy) This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Think (& Talk) Like Your Target Audience Write in the second person: Use “you,” not “I.” Adjectives & adverbs! Be articulate and enthusiastic. Use a friendly tone. Make it all about them. Focus on benefits, not products. (WIIFM?) Use powerful words, without library lingo. Personalize; use names when possible.
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Get Into the Writing Mindset Don’t you hate it when you hear things like this: “Why should we keep funding libraries when we can find everything with Google?” When I hear comments like that …
… I feel like this!!
Don’t Be Defensive
1st Writing Exercise: starting 1. Ponder this question: “Why do we still need libraries when everything is online?” 2. Choose your target audience. 3. Write down your response. What would you (or do you usually) say? TIP: You may want to write your “Hulk” or your defensive response first, then your real one.
“Why do we still need libraries when everything is online?” "Lots of people don't have the tools or know-how to go online by themselves. Our library provides computers, software, and training to bring them up-to-speed with the online world." Then, if the person wonders what happens when everyone is caught up, continue: "Libraries will still be around! People will always need help with the ever-changing world of technology and information. Besides, we have more than that -- ebooks, free classes, entertainment... and real human beings to help everyone!"
1st Writing Exercise: sharing Let’s go over your first responses to this question: “Why do we still need libraries when everything is online?”
Begin With the End in Mind What’s the goal of your message? Are you informing or enticing? Aiming for influence or action? Will it be written or spoken? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC Stephen Covey
Comment: What are you going to do with the library buildings now that no one uses them anymore? Target Audience: I get this all the time from white, elderly males at various business functions. First Statement: I am not sure where you heard that. Just last month we wrapped up our summer reading program where 11,800 children signed up. We had a 51% completion ratio as well. I have adults use our Ref USA database to find jobs and do research. Plus over half the people in the county have valid working library cards. How do I know? Our library cards expire. You should come check us out sometime. Final statement: Gee, you should go back see how busy we really are! You won’t believe how much libraries have changed. The well-funded ones, such as ours, are full of computers and technology. You can borrow movies, music, books and ebooks. There are all kinds of computer classes and seminars for adults and teens as well as children. All for free and with your library card number. SAMPLE: part 1 of 2
SAMPLE: part 2 of 2
Question: Why do we need the library, when I can just find articles on Google Scholar? Target Audience: Students (medical school)
6 Guidelines for Articulating Your Value 1. Align the message with the target audience. 2. Use powerful words, without library lingo. 3. Discuss what people need to know, not what you want to tell them. 4. Focus on benefits, not products. (WIIFM?) 5. Be articulate, brief, clear, decisive, & enthusiastic. (A, B, C, D, E) 6. Prepare and practice so you can speak with confidence.
2nd Writing Exercise “Why do we still need libraries when everything is online?” Keep in mind: your target audience, strong words, and writing guidelines Rewrite your original to achieve your most effective statement!
2nd Writing Exercise: Remember Written Messages: Be very clear Prepare for skimming Consider subject lines, greetings, headings, etc. Spoken Messages: Be very brief Write in chunks so you can stop for questions Make it easy to memorize Consider your tone
What Have You Created?
How Can You Find Time for This? Of course, you can’t do all of this on every word of every thing – so do it when it matters most: Spend more time on headlines and intro paragraphs, less on copy Spend more time on subject lines, less on messages Spend more time on fundraising appeals, less on press releases This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Kathy Dempsey, Founder Libraries Are Essential consultancy Medford, NJ, USA Author: The Accidental Library Marketer Editor: Marketing Library Services Blogger: The M Word: Marketing Libraries Facebook: LinkedIn: