DETA Database for the Exchange of Type Approvals Tim Guiting, Secretary of the IWG on DETA UN Task Force on Cyber Security and OTA issues, The Hague, 31 August 2017 version 20170830 1
Background 2003: discussions within WP.29 on type approval data exchange and information exchange 2007: establishment and first session of the Informal Working Group on DETA 2013: incorporation of DETA within the proposals for a revised 1958 Agreement and the Internation Whole Vehicle Type Approval 2015: re-establishment of the IWG on DETA 2017: 29th session of the IWG on DETA, awaiting solution for financing 20??: stepwise implementation of DETA
Purpose Exchange of UNECE approval documentation - by 1958 Agr. Rev. 3 (Article 5 and Schedule 5) - voluntary use (unless required by a UN Reg.) Unique Identifier (UI) - by 1958 Agr. Rev. 3 (Schedule 5) - generated by DETA automatically Declaration of Conformance (DOC) - by IWVTA - mandatory use
Purpose DETA may be used for: Notifications and information exchange - by 1958 Agr. Rev. 3 and IWVTA - voluntary use
Structure Based on ETAES (European Type Approval Exchange System) hosted by KBA, Germany Typemaster/DD system developed by T-Systems DETA hosted by the UNECE in Geneva Reading and writing rights First pdf files only
Structure/appearance (try-out version,
Implementation 1st step: existing system for just exchanging approvals 2nd step: introduction of UI 3rd step: introduction of DOC future: possible further developments - adding functionalties - follow developments of ETAES or merging of ETAES and DETA - establishment of a new ‘IWVTA Phase 2 IWG’, incl. management and administering/ fostering further development of DETA
Questions. see also: https://wiki. unece. org/pages/viewpage. action