BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice Mentorship Update
Session outcomes Practice Assessment Team Current Teaching and Assessing Qualifications Assessment Taxonomy Assessment Documents Assessment process Interpersonal skills
Standards What are the professional requirements to remain on the ‘live’ mentor register as stated by the College of Operating Department Practitioners (CODP)?
Biennial Review Two yearly cycle of reflection of mentor practice against HCPC standards The process is a self assessment of your skills as a mentor Will need to provide evidence of professional development A checklist is available to support this process The Mentor Register is then updated.
Practice Assessment Team Practice Educator Mentor Associate Mentor
Associate Mentor The role of the mentor is to contribute to the students learning experience by: Supporting the student in practice Teaching clinical skills Providing formative feedback on performance Support the practice supervisor Must demonstrate competence assessment area
Associate Mentor Registered practitioner minimum of six months post qualification experience. Attendance at a specific local HEI preparation session Completes cycle of mentor development every two years Implements evidence based practice Can provide evidence of CPD
Mentor The role of the mentor is to contribute to the students learning experience by: Supporting the student in practice Teaching clinical skills Providing feedback on performance Mentors two ODP students within a two year time period to remain “Live on the Register” Performs summative assessment
Qualifications/Requirements – Mentor A minimum of 1 year post graduate experience Level 6 mentorship qualification PGCE Post graduate award in healthcare education
Practice Educator Responsible for overseeing the teaching and learning experience of the environment to ensure quality standards are maintained at all times Orientates students to the peri-operative environment and gives relevant information on health and safety aspects, and channels of communication Discusses the learning outcomes for the experience with the students, and jointly develop strategies to enable the students to meet their educational needs Provides regular feedback to the students through formal weekly tutorials on progress and performance and facilitate personal and professional development.
Practice Educator Advises students on all aspects of clinical and theoretical experiences Engage students in the process of self assessment and assist them to identify individual needs Review practice documentation by week ten, or as near as possible Ensure that the practice supervisor’s uphold the quality of the assessment as agreed within the educational audit They must participate in the development and review of the practice based infrastructure to ensure quality and consistency within the programme delivery is maintained.
Qualifications As per mentor Minimum 3 years post registration experience Relevant first degree or working towards
It is important to ensure that Students: Are supernumerary Do not carry out tasks which do not fall within their scope of practice Are recorded on the off duty rota Actively engage in hands on delivery of care as appropriate Have a named mentor who is available for a minimum of 40% of the time Participate in the 24 hour cycle of care.
Due Process of Assessment Induction/Initial Meeting Learning Contracts/Action plans Interpersonal skills profile / core professional values Service User Views Formative assessment Summative assessment
Assessment Taxonomy – (Benner) Level 1 Novice Level 2 Advanced Beginner Level 3 Competent Practitioner Level 4 Proficient Practitioner Level 5 Expert
Novice practitioner Tri 1 year 1 Performance is directed with limited autonomy by following policies/procedures/guidelines which apply in this setting. No experience to draw from Has discussed the components of the skill with an experienced member of the multi-professional team but has limited opportunity to practice it and requires supervision and guidance Acknowledges own limitations within their own scope of practice.
Advanced beginner year 1 Accepts constructive feedback and adapts practice accordingly. Is able to identify own limitations. Has knowledge and ability to perform skills but may lack fluency. Requires support from supervisors, mentors and colleagues. Performance and knowledge is demonstrated. Able to observe and respond to the changing needs of the patient, colleagues and situations, seeking advice when appropriate.
Competent practitioner year 2 Has detailed knowledge and awareness of polices/procedures/guidelines, which may be applied Discriminate and chooses which of the polices/procedures/guidelines apply within the situation Able to analyse and challenge research findings, evidence based practice Identifies priorities and key elements of problems.
Proficient Practitioner year 3 Demonstrates a comprehensive range of experience, knowledge and theory relevant to practice. Learning from experience, critical incident and reflection. Demonstrates priorities of intervening actions; consistently reflects on skilled performance before interventions; can justify and has an evidence base to support decisions and actions. Practice can be adapted to meet new problems/situations. Anticipates or predicts particular outcomes in practice. Demonstrates a skilled performance, and makes valid conclusions with minimal supervision. Demonstrates an intuitive feel for the situation and solutions with due consideration of the emotional and practical impact on their work, self and others. Can influence and teach others, whilst acting as a positive role model.
Self Assessment To be carried out by the student not the mentor! The student needs to be realistic The student needs to identify the level of taxonomy by number Initial Assessment: Once the student has completed the self-assessment they need to arrange a meeting with their Mentor this will allow them to have an idea of where the student’s strengths and weaknesses lie. The Mentor will implement strategies for the student to achieve the taxonomy level Future meetings should be mutually arranged to discuss the student’s progress.
Types of evidence Accreditation of prior achievement - Previous experience in another clinical area Reflection- Use of reflective commentaries Direct observation- Students should be observed on as many assessment criteria as possible and their knowledge can be assessed at any time Oral questions- Questioning of students whilst carrying out a skill Simulation-Scenarios, i.e. manikins Case study/Assignment/Project - Asking students to discuss the specific care requirement of patients in different care settings Testimony/Peer report- Practice supervisor or peers provides written documentation of skill performance.
Formative Assessment This must will take place between weeks 6-8 This will involve a period of observation where the practice supervisor will be able to observe, supervise and formatively assess the students performance and ability related to a particular assessment criteria or core skill. This must will take place between weeks 6-8
Summative Assessment Is the final assessment to confirm the taxonomy level the student has achieved. This must take place at least 2 weeks after the formative assessment Failure at summative assessment will mean the student will fail the whole module they are undertaking.
Date of last mentorship update: Faculty of Medical Science BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice PRACTICE ASSESSMENT RECORD MODULE: Principles & Practices of Anaesthesia MOD005897 Name of Student………………………………………………………... SID………….…………………………………… Module Leader………………………………………E-mail……………………………….Tel no……..……………… From: To: Mentor – to confirm validity of the students’ assessment please provide the following details: Mentor signature: Date of last mentorship update: Month and year of next biennial/triennial review: Education Champion Name
Example of Assessment Record Sheet Weeks of Assessment Taxonomy Level to be Achieved 3 Student A. Smith Week 2 Week 6 1week 12 Self Assessment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Assessor J. White Demonstrates the ability to perform an accurate assessment of central and peripheral: pulse rate, rhythm volume, temperature and peripheral perfusion. Cross reference with Assessment Criteria 5.1). 1 3 Demonstrates an understanding of monitoring fluid balance 2 Demonstrates an understanding of triad of anaesthesia Demonstrates the ability to respond to adverse reactions
Interpersonal skills The interpersonal skills profile is to be completed at formative and summative stages of the assessment process. Please refer to the document
Is My Student Struggling? Identify the issue early and discuss with the student- consider contacting the link lecturer Develop an action plan with realistic goals to best support the student and set a review date. At review, if student meets goals then document this, if not, inform the link lecturer to discuss further action planning
Cause for Concern Process The University should be informed as soon as there is evidence of a student concern or lack of progress A student should only be removed from practice if there are serious patient safety concerns
Examples of action plans for achieving and under-achieving students can be found on the mentor portal Thank you for your continuing support of our students in practice.
What’s New? Following the successful validation of the BSc, students will now study for three years There will be an enhanced skills module included within the third year Whilst students are still expected to complete 24 practice hours per week, breaks are now inclusive
Any Questions? For further information please contact: Lisa Wakeman- Course Leader/Senior Lecturer