(v.) = to surround as an enemy; to enclose or entrap; to get around by skillfully maneuvering; to find a way around Circum – around Vent – go, come He tried to circumvent answering his mother’s question by pretending he had not heard it. Circumvent
disseminate (v.) – to scatter widely, as sowing seeds Dis – apart, away Semin – seed Ate – cause, make The counselor will disseminate the scholarship information to all students. disseminate
Epiphany (n.) = a moment of profound insight Epi – upon Phan – show, reveal Y – result of She had struggled with the math problem for hours, but the epiphany was worth the effort. Epiphany
Feckless (adj.) – careless and irresponsible Feck – make Less - without Impatient with Gary’s feckless effort, his employer fired him at the end of the first week. Feckless
(adj.)= developing before the natural season, prematurely developed, unusually forward or advanced, especially mentally Pre – before Coquere – cook Ious – full of The precocious child had graduated from high school years before he had his driver's license. Precocious
Inviolable (adj.) – never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored in – not Violare – violate Able – capable of The vows of priesthood are inviolable; the decision to take them requires careful thought. Inviolable
(v.) – to darken, to render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible, to confuse Ob - against Fusc – darken Are – cause, make The judge must not allow he emotions to obfuscate her responsibility to be impartial. Obfuscate
(n.) – that which precedes, indicates, or announces someone or something to come; one that precedes another Pre – before Curs – run Or – that which A negative attitude is often a precursor to defeat in almost any new challenge. Precursor
(adj.) – eager to fight, argue, or quarrel; having a quarrelsome disposition Pugn - fight Acious – inclined to The pugnacious man who had alienated his neighbors was not invited to the picnic. Pugnacious
(adj.) – deserving of criticism, rebuke, blame, or disproval Re – back, again Prehens – grasp Ible – capable of The fans protested the referee’s reprehensible call by shouting at him throughout the game. Reprehensible