Do Now: 1. Pull out your homework. 2 Do Now: 1. Pull out your homework. 2. Pick up 3 index cards from the red bin. 3. Create index cards for 3 vocabulary words that you have been struggling with. Word on the front, definition on the back.
Grudge Match
You saw something strange on the ground, picked it up, and decided to look at it under the microscope. You saw a group of cells that all look similar and seem to do the same thing. What could you consider it to be?
You are looking down through your microscope using a 50X objective You are looking down through your microscope using a 50X objective. What is the total magnification?
What are 4 of the 8 organization categories according to hierarchy of organization?
What part of the microscope is this AND what is its magnification?
What are the other 4 organization categories according to hierarchy of organization?
I have to move my microscope to a new lab desk I have to move my microscope to a new lab desk. Explain how to do that properly using the correct vocabulary.
What are 2 reasons why you should switch to the fine objective when focusing your microscope?
Put the 8 organization categories in order from LARGEST to SMALLEST.
Explain the difference between ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY.
What three objectives do our microscopes have AND what are the final magnifications of each of them.
I am looking at a tissue sample under the microscope and I see this: Which of the 4 types of mammalian tissues am I looking?
My microscope light is on, but I do not see any light through my sample. What should I change
I am looking at a tissue sample under the microscope and I see this: What is the shape of this epithelial cell?
I am observing a sample of skin under the microscope, and I see many layers of similar looking cells. Which of the 4 mammalian tissues am I looking at?
I am observing a sample of skin under the microscope, and I see many layers of similar looking cells. Is this a simple or stratified epithelium?
Why is blood considered a tissue AND which of the 4 tissues is it?
Which of the 4 types of mammalian tissues have an extracellular matrix?
What are the 3 kinds of muscle tissue AND which of them are striated?
You are looking at some muscle tissue under the microscope You are looking at some muscle tissue under the microscope. You see that there are striations, but only 1 nucleus in each cell. What type of muscle tissue are you observing?
You are looking at some tissue under the microscope and saw this: What type of tissue is it AND is this?
You are looking at some muscle tissue under the microscope You are looking at some muscle tissue under the microscope. You see that there are striations and about 15 nuclei in each cell. What type of muscle tissue are you observing?
Where are 2 places in your body you can find connective tissues?
What does smooth muscle do What does smooth muscle do? Explain why it is a good thing that it is not striated.
You are looking at some tissue under the microscope and saw this: What type of tissue is it AND explain how you know?
What does the word hierarchy mean AND give two examples of hierarchies that you encounter every day?
What are 2 functions of nervous tissue?
According to hierarchy of organization, what is an organ made of?
Which of these is NOT a connective tissue? B C D
What is this part of the microscope AND what does it do?
What is this part of the microscope AND what does it do?
What are 2 functions of epithelial tissues?