Global Overview EA Deliverables for East Area Renovation


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Presentation transcript:

Global Overview EA Deliverables for East Area Renovation \\\dfs\Workspaces\e\EastAreaRenovation\Work packages\EN-EA

Services 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review EDMS # Description Where Production Readiness 1960806 Shielding primary Area Primary area 3D design on going 2042493 False Floor bldg. 251 Bldg 251 3D design done 1907906 1907011 Gas Supply for Experimental Area Exp Areas Gas needs identified - Scaffolding ? 1978873 Cabling T09 / T20 / b. 251,157,352 Decabling Secondary area and controlled zones? Done in 2018 1964291 Dismantling 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Vacuum Components F61 + F62 vacuum needs evaluated Stock available to do F61-F62 vacuum F63 – F6D  no vacuum T08  needs evaluated to be checked by Emile/Victor T09 T10 T11 Vacuum needs under study 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Magnets Supports 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review 3D design 2D drawings Production HMQAD A01 Support for Quadrupoles Q74L, Adjusting table 1 on F61 HMQAE.C01 C01 Support for Quadrupoles Q120, Adjusting concrete base, flat 2 on F62   C02 Support for Quadrupoles Q120, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 1,7 degree 1 on T09 C03 Support for Quadrupoles Q120, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 2 degree 1 on T10 HMQAF.C01 Support for Quadrupoles, Q100, Adjusting concrete base, flat Support for Quadrupoles, Q100, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 3,3 degree 2 on T11 Support for Quadrupoles, Q100, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 2 degree C04 Support for Quadrupoles, Q100, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 1,7 degree HMQAG Support for Quadrupoles, Q200L, Adjusting concrete base, flat 2 on T09 1 on T10 Support for Quadrupoles, Q200L, Adjusting system 2 on T08 HMQAH M01 Support for Quadrupoles QDS or QFS, Adjusting metal base, tilted 2 degree 4 on T10 M02 Support for Quadrupoles QDS or QFS, Adjusting metal base, tilted 1,7 degree 4 on T09 M03 Support for Quadrupoles QFS, Adjusting metal base, flat M04 Support for Quadrupoles QFS, Adjusting metal base, tilted 3,3 degree HMQAJ P01 Support for Quadrupoles QFS, plug-in and Adjusting system, tilted 3,3 degree 1 on T11 HMQAM Support for Quadrupoles QFL, plug-in and Adjusting system, flat HMQAN Support for Quadrupoles QFL, Adjusting metal base,flat HMBAC Support for Bending magnets MCB, plug-in and Adjusting system, flat 2 in F63 HMBAD Support for Bending magnets MCB, Adjusting system, flat 2 in F61 3 in T08  HMBAE Support for Bending magnets M100, Adjusting system, tilted 1,7 degree 1 in T09 A02 Support for Bending magnets M100, Adjusting system, tilted 2 degree 1 in T10  HMBAF Support for Bending magnets M200L, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 1,7 degree 2 on T09 Support for Bending magnets M200L, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 2 degree 2 on T10 Support for Bending magnets M200L, Adjusting concrete base, tilted 3.3 degree  UNI  Support for MDXL + CR200 2 on T08 (MDXL) 1 in T09 (MDXL) 1 on T10 (MDXL) 2 on F62 (CR200) ? HMCAD U01 Support for Bending magnets CR200, similar to universal support 1 on F61 (CR200) HLMAA Support for Multiple components, plug-in and adjusting system, flat 1 in T08 (for 2 magnets) HLMAB P02 Support for Multiple components, plug-in and adjusting system, tilted 1,7 degree 1 in T09 (for 2 magnet + TCX) HLMAC Support for Multiple components, adjusting system, flat 1 in F61 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Equipment and Supports Code Description Quantity and Location Production Readiness XCET Cerenkov Counters 2 on T09 2 on T10 3D design on going XTCX Fixed collimator 1 on T09 3D design done, 2D drawings on going HTCAA Support XTCX 1 XCSV Collimator 2 blocs Vertical 2 on T10 1 on T11 On stock XCHV Collimator 4 blocks 3 on T09 1 on T10 On stock but complete renovation to be done UNI Supports Collimators 7 ? XCON Absorber/converter 2 on T09 1 on T10 3D model and technical spec to be done XSCI Scintillator 2 on T09 (XSCI) 1 on T10 (XSCI) 1 on T11 (XSCI) Given from BI HLGAC Support absorber/converter (MAUVE) Available on stock for installation XWCM Multi wire proportional chamber 1 on T08 installed HXWCM Support XWCM XION Ionization Chamber Installed HXION Support XION BXBPF Beam profile monitor for experimental areas (VESSEL) 2 on T09 1 on T10 1 on T11 Support BXBPF 4 Support BTV 5 Recovered ready for installation HBCTB Support beam current transformer BCTF 1 on F61 HBLSD Support Spill mesurement LSD HXSEC Support XSEC 1 on F62 1 on F63 2 on T08 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Baraques 3 control rooms for users of experimental areas See presentation of Abou 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Timeline Linear Planning created to follow EA deliverables: 7 May 2019 \\\dfs\Workspaces\e\EastAreaRenovation\Work packages\EN-EA\Review Equipment EA _ 7 May 19 7 May 2019 EA Equipment Review

Thank you!