Strategic Training (Chapter 2)
Lesson Objectives Addendum 10) 5 Describe various facets of Strategic Training: Identify how business strategy influences training. Compare & contrast employee & manager work roles.
Business Strategy (24) Plan that integrates goals, policies and actions. Strategy has major impact on type and amount of training.
Strategy influences… (25) Amount of training for current/ future jobs Extent to which training is customized Whether training is open or restricted
Strategy influences… (25) Whether training is: systematically planned in response to problems only in reaction to competitors Importance compared to other HR practices
Work roles of… (25) Employees Managers
Employees’ Work Role Traditional -- non-participatory Current -- more participatory Self-managed work teams more commitment better understand roles increased skill level Greater demand for training
Managers’ Work Role Manage/coordinate individual & group performance Develop employees Plan & allocate resources Monitor work environment Represent the work unit
Summary Describe various facets of Strategic Training: Identify how business strategy influences training. Compare & contrast employee & manager work roles.