Implementing the ESS Vision 2020 Partnership Group's Task Force "Implementation of the ESS Vision 2020"
Background and mandate “A vision is void if it is not followed by a strategy and concrete actions towards implementation” ESS Vision 2020 First steps towards implementation: Creation of a temporary Partnership Group Task Force mandated to prepare the DGINS discussions on implementation Evaluation of the on-going and frozen ESS.VIP projects Identification of new areas of Vision relevant work Definition of the criteria for the evaluation of new projects Give thoughts to the future associated governance The final report should include: i) a summary of the evaluation of the ESS.VIP programme; ii) an initial analysis of the five priority areas defined in the ESS Vision 2020; iii) a further elaborated list of selection criteria; iv) a proposal for a governance structure for ESS Vision 2020 implementation; v) a proposal for next steps to be taken after the DGINS Conference. The report cannot be expected to be very detailed. It should however contain enough detail for the DGINS to have a sufficiently informed discussion on how to move forward in implementing the ESS Vision 2020, and how this implementation should be managed.
Organisation of work of the TF 13 members (AT, BE, DE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IT, NL, SE, SI, UK and Eurostat) Chaired by the chair of the PG (SE) Transparent working arrangements – drafts and comments in CROS portal Organised in three sub-groups
Organisation of work of the TF Three sub-groups: Proposal for a permanent governance structure aligned to the existing ESS governance organisation and based on a portfolio management approach Initial analysis of the five priority areas in the ESS Vision 2020 including a stocktaking of ongoing initiatives and identification of gaps Evaluation of currently running and frozen ESS.VIP projects, using the criteria in Annex C in the Vision 2020 as a starting point Work on a governance structure Proposal for a permanent structure aligned to the existing ESS governance organisation. Include a reflection on the possibility to use the portfolio management approach Include information requirements (i.e. what kind of information should be collected for each project). Composition: UK (leader), Eurostat, ES, SI and FI. Initial analysis of the five priority areas (e.g. emerging data sources, quality management and communication, relations with the users, dissemination and communication of European statistics) Translate into a more concrete package for implementation of the Vision Include stocktaking of ongoing initiatives and identification of gaps. Composition: IT (leader), BE, FR, HU and AT. Evaluation of current ESS.VIP projects With the criteria of Annex C in mind Develop the list of criteria Composition: NL (leader), Eurostat, DE and SE
Time table First short report to the Partnership Group – 27th June Sub-groups to work on specified tasks – June, July, August Communication with Directors' Groups and possible requests for input – June, July, August TF meeting on first outcomes from sub-groups – 15th July Final draft report to PG – end August Final report to be posted on CIRCABC – first days of September DGINS discussion on implementation on the ESS Vision 2020 – 24th September Short presentations on the work of the TF will be delivered to the RDG, ITDG/DIME Steering Group and BSDG during the month of June Other Directors Groups will be consulted/informed through written procedures
Feedback sought from Directors' Groups Initial reactions? Consultation on specific issues may follow
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