Apostrophes for Possession These are used to show that items belong to someone or something. The easy way to know where they go is to ask “who/what does the item belong to?” The answer to this question is followed by the apostrophe and the letter s - ‘s The dogs lead. Who does the lead belong to? The dog The dog’s lead . It belongs to the dog – followed by ‘s The boys books. Who do the books belong to? The boy The boy’s books. They belong to the boy – followed by ‘s The foxs tail. Who does the tail belong to? The fox The fox’s tail. It belongs to the fox – followed by ‘s The childrens toys. Who do the toys belong to? The children The children’s toys. They belong to the children – followed by ‘s The girls shoes. Who do the shoes belong to? The girls The girls’ shoes. They belong to the girls (plural) - then ‘s