UMD Updates Vincenzo Spinoso
dCache 2.10.56 UMD 3.14.2 Released on Jun16 Fixes for StoRM 1.11.11, dCache 2.10.56 edg-mkgrid 4.0.3 addressing security related changes in libs
dCache 2.10.56 UMD 4.1.0 Released on May27 CentOS7 Frontier-Squid 2.7.STABLE9-24.2 (new product) dCache 2.13.28 First release for SL6
dCache 2.10.56 UMD 4.1.1 Released on May27 edg-mkgrid 4.0.3 (missing in SL6!)
Next: UMD 4.2.0 Planned for end of July dCache 2.10.56 Next: UMD 4.2.0 Planned for end of July Included as of now in CentOS7: FTS3, dCache Want to include on CentOS7: ARGUS, QCG, DPM, Globus/GFAL Add regular updates on SL6
CMD RT setup: IT support to configure CMD together with UMD dCache 2.10.56 CMD RT setup: IT support to configure CMD together with UMD discussion in progress Very dependent on RT upgrade scheduled during July Verification process starting with BDII info provider external infrastructure needed to perform the tests will be IFCA (OpenStack), CESGA (OpenNebula) Staged-Rollout: few changes needed, almost ready