Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Integrating Word and Excel
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Objectives Integrate data between Word and ExcelIntegrate data between Word and Excel Copy data from Excel to WordCopy data from Excel to Word Copy a chart from Excel to WordCopy a chart from Excel to Word Create linked objectsCreate linked objects Embed a Word file in ExcelEmbed a Word file in Excel
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Unit Introduction Data integrationData integration Combines data from multiple programsCombines data from multiple programs Example of data integrationExample of data integration Create a chart in ExcelCreate a chart in Excel Use the Excel chart in a Word reportUse the Excel chart in a Word report Modify chart data from source Excel fileModify chart data from source Excel file Data integration saves time and effortData integration saves time and effort Information is reused multiple timesInformation is reused multiple times
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Integrating Data Between Word and Excel Two types of files used in integration:Two types of files used in integration: Source: file where information originatesSource: file where information originates Destination: file that receives informationDestination: file that receives information Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Microsoft technology for integrating dataMicrosoft technology for integrating data Linking an objectLinking an object Image of object copied to destination fileImage of object copied to destination file You can edit object data from source fileYou can edit object data from source file
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Integrating Data Between Word and Excel Embedding an object:Embedding an object: Copy of object is placed in destination fileCopy of object is placed in destination file Edit object with source program toolsEdit object with source program tools Ways to integrate Word and Excel:Ways to integrate Word and Excel: Copy and paste data from the ClipboardCopy and paste data from the Clipboard Link data between two filesLink data between two files Copy Excel chart and paste into WordCopy Excel chart and paste into Word Embed a Word file into Excel worksheetEmbed a Word file into Excel worksheet
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Integrating Data Between Word and Excel Table object copied from Excel Photograph copied from Excel Chart linked to Excel source chart 75% is a linked value
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying Data from Excel to Word Uses of Copy and Paste commandsUses of Copy and Paste commands Copy and paste items within a documentCopy and paste items within a document Copy and paste items between programsCopy and paste items between programs Items transferred with Copy and PasteItems transferred with Copy and Paste Line of text, value, picture, chartLine of text, value, picture, chart Properties of a copied objectProperties of a copied object Retains formatting of original objectRetains formatting of original object Independent of source (except charts)Independent of source (except charts)
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying Data from Excel to Word Two items collected on the ClipboardTwo items collected on the Clipboard Copied items on Clipboard
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying Data from Excel to Word Picture positioned in the Word reportPicture positioned in the Word report
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying a Chart from Excel to Word Use the Copy and Paste commandsUse the Copy and Paste commands Excel is the source fileExcel is the source file Word is the destination fileWord is the destination file Pasted chart is automatically linkedPasted chart is automatically linked Effect of revising chart in source fileEffect of revising chart in source file Linked data changes in destination fileLinked data changes in destination file Note: chart style does not updateNote: chart style does not update
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying a Chart from Excel to Word Linked chart updated in WordLinked chart updated in Word Columns updated
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Copying a Chart from Excel to Word Chart style not applied to linked objectChart style not applied to linked object New chart style in Excel Red chart style does not appear in linked version in Word
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Creating Linked Objects Copy and Paste Special commandsCopy and Paste Special commands Perform advanced copy and paste tasksPerform advanced copy and paste tasks Can link copied object to a source fileCan link copied object to a source file Needed to link all items except chartNeeded to link all items except chart Features of Paste Special commandFeatures of Paste Special command PastePaste Paste LinkPaste Link Formatting optionsFormatting options
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Creating Linked Objects Paste Special dialog boxPaste Special dialog box
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Embedding a Word File in Excel Embedding an objectEmbedding an object Inserts an entire file in a destination fileInserts an entire file in a destination file You can embed an existing or new fileYou can embed an existing or new file Editing an embedded objectEditing an embedded object Double-click the embedded objectDouble-click the embedded object Edit tools from source program displayEdit tools from source program display Accessing embedding tool in ExcelAccessing embedding tool in Excel Click Insert tab, then click Object buttonClick Insert tab, then click Object button
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Embedding a Word File in Excel Embedded object updated in ExcelEmbedded object updated in Excel Title bar shows that Excel is the destination program Word tabs and ribbon are activated Paragraph margins modified Number of tours updated from 10 to 15
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition Summary Integration: programs working togetherIntegration: programs working together Integration file types: source file and destination fileIntegration file types: source file and destination file Integration tools: Copy, Paste, Paste Special, and Insert ObjectIntegration tools: Copy, Paste, Paste Special, and Insert Object You can modify linked data from sourceYou can modify linked data from source Modify embedded object in destination file using tools from source programModify embedded object in destination file using tools from source program