NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience NEXT UNIT UNIT QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Recognizing patterns help predict what will happen next and what can change overtime. Energy can change forms and transfer from one object to another Chemistry 7th Grade Science Force & Motion understanding that all matter in the universe is made up of elements and illustrated by which are described by which combine chemically by recognizing through investigations made up of IMPORTANT TERMS: atom nucleus valence electron Law of Conservation of Mass proton physical vs chemical change physical vs chemical property coefficient neutron atomic number reactant subscript electron product reactivity electron cloud: shell, orbital, energy level What isn’t chemistry? Why should I care about physical and chemical changes in my everyday life? Where does matter come from and where does it go to if it can’t be created or destroyed? How would scientists predict the properties of a new element & where would it fit on the Periodic Table? What do I have in common with pencil graphite and diamonds? What would the biosphere be like without the 8 common elements in contains? Demonstrating Investigating Describing Interpreting Recognizing
Chemistry formulas that show a chemical reaction has taken place which are described by forming with and illustrated by the patterns in the Periodic Table arranged by used to understanding that all matter in the universe is made up of elements through investigations by recognizing represented by supported by resulting in determines that to form compounds (different properties) & are shown by using chemical formulas which combine chemically subatomic particles such as in the in the including which effects that matter is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes form