A B Supplemental Fig. 1 Maekawa et al. 15/16 E.faecalis 2/16 E.faecium PC DC BDC IPMN E. faecalis 16S rRNA B 15/16 E.faecalis E.faecium 2/16 Relative abundance (%)
Supplemental Fig. 2 Maekawa et al.
Supplemental Fig. 3 Maekawa et al. b c
Supplemental Fig. 4 Maekawa et al. Control Autopsy 1/10 CP PDAC 5/10 Relative abundance (%) B Control 0/5 Caerulein 5/9 Relative abundance (%)
Antibody against E. faecalis Supplemental Fig. 5 Maekawa et al. Other bacteria Portal vein Liver E. faecalis Bile duct exacerbation Pancreas Antibody against E. faecalis Duodenum Increases of Enterococcus spp. in the intestine due to obesity and alcohol Translocation of Enterococcus spp. into the pancreas via bile duct or duodenum Progression of chronic pancreatitis with increases of Enterococcus spp. in the pancreas