Rabbit and Frog 兔子和青蛙 选自《多维阅读第2级》
Warm-up 热身 Do you like animals? What animals do you know? What's your favourite animal? Let's read a story about animals in forest.
Read and answer 阅读并回答问题 What’s the title of the book? What did they do in the forest? What animals can you see on the cover?
First reading: read & answer 阅读并回答问题 What did the frog jump over? What did he say?
What did the rabbit jump over? What did he say?
What did the frog jump over? What did he say?
What did the rabbit say? What did the rabbit jump over?
What did the frog say? What did the frog jump over?
What did the rabbit look at? What did the rabbit say?
What happened to the rabbit? What did the rabbit say?
Read and order 排序 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Read and order 排序 ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 3 ) ( 7 ) ( 6 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 )
Retell the story 复述故事 ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 3 ) ( 7 ) ( 6 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 )
Second reading How to read jump? What sound can you hear?
What about jumped? What’s the difference between jump and jumped?
Put your finger on the word over. Can you read it?
Which word says frog? What is the first sound in frog?
What sound does the word log start with?
Which word says looked? What’s the difference between look and looked?
What suffix did we add to the words looked and jumped? What about looking and jumping?
Detail reading Put your finger on a full stop. What does that tell you to do? What about the comma, and the exclamation mark?
Role play 角色扮演 分小组合作表演
More discussions What do you think of the frog and the rabbit? Why? What do you want to say to them? Do you think that the rabbit should try to jump over the pond? Why? Why not?
Homework 1. Listen to the audio and read the story. 2. Tell the story to your parents and classmates. 3. Write a new story about the rabbit and the frog.