AP Human Geography Kristi Neuroth Writing: FRQ Round Robin Helping students expand their ideas in writing AP Human Geography Kristi Neuroth
What is a “Round Robin”? Students will rotate throughout the room (or rotate papers within a team) to brainstorm collaboratively with the goal of expanding their ideas in writing.
Option #1: AP Test Practice - Expanding ideas On the following slide is a list of 8 basic statements students may make on an FRQ. Write each statement on a poster (or use poster paper with #1, #2, etc… written on the top so you can reuse each piece). Have students rotate throughout the room in teams of 2-4 to complete the statement. They can either write the answer on the poster or on a sticky note and add it to the poster. They may not repeat anything already on the poster. When they end up back at their original poster they will use all of the information on the poster to create a 1-paragraph response. Students will share their 1-paragraph response with the rest of the class.
“Advances in communication technology have had a major impact…” “Colonialization had many consequences…” “Religion can cause boundary conflicts…” “Devolution is a problem for countries…” “Regionalism can lead to Balkanization…” “The Cold War affected the map of Europe…” “Globalization is connected to supranationalism…” “There are many centripetal forces…”
Option #2: Agriculture Unit Small Group Review- Round Robin Team Brainstorm In the documents provided there is a list of 4 possible parts of an agriculture FRQ. Print one of each of the pages for each group. Give students 2 minutes to respond to each statement individually. They may not repeat anything already on the paper from a previous student. When time is called the students will rotate the papers in a clockwise fashion and begin on the next statement. When they end up back at their original paper, they will use all of the information on the paper to craft a 1-paragraph response. Students will share their 1-paragraph response with the rest of the group.
Option #3: Cities Unit Whole Class Review- Round Robin Brainstorm On the following slides there is a list of 7 concepts related to the cities unit. Write each topic on the top of a piece of poster paper. Have students rotate throughout the room in teams of 2-4 to write as much as they can about that topic in 2-3 minutes. They can either write the answer on the poster or on a sticky note and add it to the poster. They may not repeat anything already on the poster. When they end up back at their original poster provide each team with a practice FRQ question related to the topic on the poster (see the document titled “FRQ Urban Challenges Round Robin”). Students will work together in their teams to answer the FRQ using information sourced from their classmates. Teams will share their answers with the class.
Urban Trends and Challenges Round Robin – Student Instructions In your teams you will rotate through 7 stations. At each station you will have 2 minutes to analyze the topic and subtopics. Write down as many ideas or information for each topic/subtopics as your group can think of in the provided time. When you return to your original starting position, teams will have 15 minutes to write a detailed FRQ outline and prepare a brief presentation on your topic for the class. Use the ideas generated by your classmates to stimulate your responses. The burden is on you to analyze the information to ensure the statements are accurate.
1. Economic struggles in inner cities Poverty/culture of poverty Urban Decay Brownfields Filtering Redlining Housing
2. Housing Redevelopment Eminent domain Homelessness Gentrification Gated communities Government support/scattered site
3. Gender, Race, and Ethnicity Racial Segregation Blockbusting Ghettos Urban colonies
4. Transportation and Infrastructure
Shadow economy Crime Terrorism 5. Informal Economy Shadow economy Crime Terrorism
6. Environmental Effects Urban canyons Urban heat island Urban wildlife Pollution Rush hour
7. Urban Sprawl Leapfrogging