Chapter 4.1 Properties of Waves
What are some types of waves? Microwaves Waves of water Light waves Sound waves ←Maybe not this one…
Some important terms… A wave is a disturbance or movement that transfers energy through space or through matter Ex: sound waves transfer energy through space (air) Energy is the capacity to apply force over a distance A force is a PUSH or a PULL on an object
Quick check What is a force? What is energy? What is a wave?
The parts of a wave Let’s look at a wave of water: The rest position (equilibrium position) is shown by a line. Where the water would be if still The highest point is called the crest The lowest point is called the trough
The parts of a wave The wavelength is measured from crest to crest or trough to trough. Wavelength is a distance and it is measured in metres.
The parts of a wave Amplitude is the height of a crest or depth of a trough measured from the rest position. Ex: A big wave with a high crest and low trough has a large amplitude.
The parts of a wave The rise and fall of each wave is called an oscillation or a vibration. Frequency is the number of repetitive oscillations that happen in a given time. It is usually measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.
Quick check What is the difference between a crest and a trough? What are 3 ways to measure wavelength? What property of a wave is measured in hertz?
Examples of frequency Frequency = cycles / seconds A pendulum: 24 swings in 6 s Merry-go-round: 12 revolutions per 2 min Flashing red light at an intersection: 30 flashes in 0.5min Heart rate: 18 beats per 20s Car drive shaft:2000rpm (revolutions per minute)
Water Waves Move Energy A water wave moves energy (not matter or water). Energy is carried forward by the water wave. If you are sitting on an inner-tube in the lake, the wave passes underneath you. Neither you or the water moves forward.
What do waves travel through? The matter that waves travel through is called a medium. Ex: sound waves travel through air Air is the medium Ex: ocean waves travel through water Water is the medium We will study 2 types of waves that travel through a medium…
2 Types of Waves 1) Transverse Waves 2) Compression Waves Matter in the medium moves up and down perpendicular to the direction that the wave travels (ex: waving a rope) 2) Compression Waves Matter in the medium moves back and forth along the same direction that the wave travels (ex: sound waves)
Did you know?? Not all waves need a medium…light waves in space can travel through the emptiness of space (there is no matter at all!) But sound waves DO need a medium to travel through which means there is no sound in space!