Malpractice & Maladministration: What it is and how to avoid it
Overview What is malpractice? What is maladministration? Common issues Effective practices to deter and address malpractice What we’re doing What to do when things go wrong How we work with you when it is identified Sanctions
Scenarios Each group to look at one of the scenarios What is wrong?
What is malpractice? Suggest examples
What is maladministration? Suggest examples
Common issues 64% of these were incorrect claims for learner achievement 14% were registration issues 9% were around lost learner work at the centre
Effective practices to deter and address malpractice Come up with a checklist We’ll share our thoughts Additional processes some centres have introduced
What we’re doing Working with our database provider to see whether the RAC claim form can be made easier and simpler to use – done = show comparison Working with centres before next year to reduce the amount of units in courses – some have in excess of 100 Considering ‘page per learner’ RAC
What to do when things go wrong What should you do? (we’ll confirm whether you’re right!)
How we work with you when it is identified Don’t get upset! We will either: instruct the Head of Centre to conduct an investigation conduct an investigation nominate a third party to carry out the investigation We may put in a sanction at this point
How we work with you when it is identified If we find malpractice we will convene a panel We may notify Ofqual (we are required to) We may notify other Awarding Organisations (we are required to) Set and implement an Action Plan Potentially set Sanctions