Matija KODRA Ministry of Public Administration IPSG WG - 1st MEETING Better regulation & Information on LT on Administrative Burdens for Citizens Brdo, 18 - 19 FEBRUARY 2008 Matija KODRA Ministry of Public Administration
SLOVENE PRIORITIES IN THE FIELD OF BETTER REGULATION 1. reducing administrative burdens - Action Programme to achieve 25% target by 2012 - Prevention of new administrative costs and new administrative burdens from draft legislation (ex-ante anti-bureaucratic filter) - systematic collecting of new proposals - DBR Conference (October 2007 – Communication in connection with BR) 2. legislative simplification with special attention to the needs of SME`s: - Good progress with inherited proposals - April Conference 3. wider use of the impact assessments - Council
EUPAN Learning Team on reducing administrative burdens for citizens - Goal: - to develop a methodology to benchmark and exchange European best practices and experiences in the field of reducing high impact administrative burdens for citizens - Activities of the learning team: formation of the learning team selection of EU methodology for measuring AB for citizens (quantitative as well as quantitative) selection of public services with a high level of AB for citizens; process analysis of the respective services benchmarkinh high imapct services (measuring AB and the processes behind the selected public services in all participating countries) identifying best practices, lessons for improving service delivery and reducing AB and dissemination through the EUPAN network
EUPAN Learning Team on reducing administrative burdens for citizens Kick off session (The Hague, 29.01.2008) – 1st Meeting informal group 16 countries collaborating experts from different fields (e-Gov, BR, EUPAN former participants) different national approaches – identical problem in all countries expectation: how to measure what to measure how to communicate the results share best practices and experiences
EUPAN Learning Team on reducing administrative burdens for citizens Ascertainment from Kick off session: most countries have no concrete political targets on reducing AB for citizens; most countries have no independent committee involved; all countries will adopt and adapt Dutch SCM methodology for citizens (quantitative method); quantitative methods will be discussed on next meeting; no external contractor will be involved in benchmarking cross collaborating countries; all material connected with LT will be available on CIRCA tool; next meeting will be held early in April in Finland.
EUPAN Learning Team on reducing administrative burdens for citizens Next steps: identification of high impact services relate them to life events develope profiles of role models GOAL: comperable life situations around relevant services
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