Session 1: The Most Important Thing A Leader Does
From Our Neighbors & To The Nations “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Mt 24:14 Jesus gave us a vision to His church to make sure the gospel went to the entire world – neighbors and nations Went to over 30,000 of our neighbors and two unreached people groups this past year Let’s use that as our worship this morning – [video]
From Our Neighbors & To The Nations “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Mt 24:14 Jesus gave us a vision to His church to make sure the gospel went to the entire world – neighbors and nations Went to over 30,000 of our neighbors and two unreached people groups this past year He has always called His people to live in this vision A vision in which we left sin and lived out his promises Where we left Egypt and ended up in the promise land That journey – takes leaders – leaders like Moses Because God uses leaders to fulfill his vision And he has chosen you to be a leader in his church Outside of your family – there is no more important place to lead [next slide] And for god to take His people to His promise land in the world He has to take His leaders to his promises in His presence
“For God to take His people to His Promise Land in the world, He has to take His leaders to His presence in prayer.” This summit – is about that – getting to his promises and presence – through prayer It’s the most important thing a leader does It’s the first thing a leader should do Prayer is the most important thing a leader does I want you to look with me at God’s leader in one of His most overwhelming and challenging moments
Moses was a leader who had taken God’s people . . . as far as he could Exodus 33: 7-23 / The Most Important Thing A Leader Does Context: Moses A Leader Who had taken the people as far as he could - Out of Egypt, Into the desert, 10 commandments, their greatest failure - what does he do? The most important thing - Satan’s plan - World’s pressure - desert - People’s rebellion God’s leader has done everything to lead His people to the promise land – but they failed miserably And Moses is left wondering what to do next? But look at Moses’ response
(1) Moses had a place for prayer “Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the ‘tent of meeting.’” v7 “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Lk 5:16 – outside the camp – outside his responsibilities and daily grind He had developed it – no one else pitched the tent – he got the tent and established his place to prayer Jesus had the same – Luke 5:16 – Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” - to be lonely – no!
(2) Moses had a practice of prayer God would speak to Moses (v9) and Moses would speak to God (v11-12). “Jesus withdrew . . . and prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Lk 22:41- When he had gone as far as he go in leadership He pressed into prayer – poured out his a heart in a new way -went farther in prayer That’s what you do – when you’ve gone as far as you can in life – go farther in prayer Leaders – gone as far – press in / some don’t have the practice – time to get it Jesus – gesathmane – Luke 22:14 / gone as far as he could – to the point don’t want to go any more Presses into prayer
(3) Moses had a purpose in prayer (V13-15) I need Your ways, Your favor, most of all Your presence. “Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” (v15) He knows what prayer is supposed to be about Knowing His ways Receiving His favor Being in His presence That leads to his power in his people
“For God to take His people to His Promise Land in this world, He has to take His leaders to His presence in prayer”
IT’S STARTS WITH US - our place for prayer - our practice of prayer - our purpose in prayer Three enemies of God’s people Satan – he hates the church / wants to divide and destroy us World – it’s a desert. Last summer – homosexual marriage Rejected God’s creation / rejected God This election shows it Flesh – proud, divided, We are going to the promise land Muslim convert church Travis – south Richmond church Cornerstone – kingdom church – diversity We’ve done what we can We need to press in Going to call the whole church – but begins with us This year is a year of prayer Nexy slide
Ask the whole congregation place, practice and purpose Unveil it to you in session 3 Begin by saying – leader its time to press in Exodus 32 – golden calf Exodus 33 – tent of meeting Leads to exodus 34 Moses knows his name / knows his presence When Moses did all he could do – he preseed into prayer personally Gypsie Smith -
“Go home. Lock yourself in your room “Go home. Lock yourself in your room. Kneel down in the middle of the floor and with a piece of chalk draw a circle around yourself. There on your knees, pray feverently that God would start a revival within that chalk circle” – Gypsy Smith 1870-1947 Asking all of us to do A new or greater place, practice and purpose in prayer