natural sciences 4
Look at these ecosystems. Which living things are plants? Which living things are vertebrate animals? Which living things are invertebrate animals?
The animal, plant and fungi kingdoms trees Bushes grasses Can plants move around? Can they make their own food? MOVE AROUND MAKE THEIR FOOD vertebrates invertebrates Can animals move around? Can they make their own food? MOVE AROUND MAKE THEIR FOOD mould mushrooms Can fungi move around? Can they make their own food? yeast Tree living fungus MOVE AROUND MAKE THEIR FOOD
Cells All living things are made up of cells. The smallest are so small you can only see them with a microscope. Different cells have different functions. Most living things are made up of many types of different cells but some, like bacteria, have just one cell.
What do invertebrate animals have instead of a backbone? Animal Kingdom: invertebrates What do invertebrate animals have instead of a backbone? Molluscs Jellyfish Sponges Echinoderms Annelids Arthropods
What do invertebrate animals have instead of a backbone? Animal Kingdom: invertebrates What do invertebrate animals have instead of a backbone? Molluscs Jellyfish Sponges Soft body Soft body Soft body Little holes Hard shell Tentacles Echinoderms Annelids Arthropods Soft body Head Hard skin Thorax spikes segments Abdomen Exoskeleton
Animal kingdom: vertebrates How do animals breathe? Mammals Birds Fish Reptiles Amphibians
Both with LUNGS and GILLS Animal kingdom: vertebrates How do animals breathe? With LUNGS With GILLS Mammals Birds Fish Both with LUNGS and GILLS Reptiles Amphibians Animals take oxygen from the air with LUNGS and from the water with GILLS.
Animal kingdom: vertebrates How do animals reproduce? Mammals are viviparous. The others are oviparous. Some animals are born directly from their mother: VIVIPAROUS. Some others lay eggs: OVIPAROUS.
Animal kingdom: vertebrates What do animals eat? Some animals are carnivores, some are herbivores and others are omnivores. carnivores herbivores omnivores FOOD CHAINS Consumer (herbivore) Consumer (carnivore) producer decomposer
Plant kingdom How do plants reproduce? Some plants have sexual reproduction: pollen goes from the stamen to the pistil of the same plant or a different one. Some plants have asexual reproduction: there are no flowers or fertilisation.
Both sexual and asexual Plant Kingdom How do plants reproduce? Some plants have sexual reproduction: pollen goes from the stamen to the pistil of the same plant or a different one. Insect pollination Wind pollination Self-pollination Some plants have asexual reproduction: there are no flowers or fertilisation. Runners Tubers Both sexual and asexual
Plant Kingdom Why is photosynthesis imortant? OXYGEN = LIFE PLANTS = OXYGEN PLANTS = LIFE! Every animal needs oxygen to live. Plants produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide.
Plants and animals living together animals from the same species POPULATION different populations in one place COMMUNITY the place they live HABITAT habitat + community = ECOSYSTEM
How can you look after living things? We shouldn’t climb trees, pick up flowers, remove animals from their habitats, make fires in the forest or touch wild animals. We should feed birds in the winter.