Office 365 Update Looked at Office 365 from university perspective Engaged faculty and deans through University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA) and Council of Research Deans (CORD) o Thoughtful questions led to further investigation o Mixed reaction of enthusiasm and caution from faculty o Interest in learning how other universities and colleges have transitioned to Office 365 and their experience o Identified Risks and Benefits of cloud solution
Risks of Office 365 Lack of Executive Sponsor for MSU wide project. Data is no longer housed (controlled) within MSU datacenters. Data stored in US; however MS may route anti-spam, anti-virus filter services outside US. Office 365 Tenants data is co-mingled with other Tenants data in the cloud architecture. Outages in the cloud leave MSU totally dependent on NON-MSU personnel to restore critical service. Office 365 is a new product for Microsoft.
Concerns Expressed Hard 25 MB attachment limit; workarounds annoying. Working offline while travelling may present difficulties. Office 365 does not have full Microsoft Office desktop suite functionality; additional licensing needed. Cost savings not obvious; who would pay for additional functionality and services? Shared calendaring (both a benefit and a concern) What would be exit strategy from cloud? Hybrid environment recommended but why keep some accounts on-premise?
Current Situation Tom Davis and Cynthia Ghering met with new Executive Vice President, Dr. Satish Udpa, on his first day, Monday, March 18 th. Dr. Udpa asked IT Services and the Office 365 team to hold on a decision for 6 months. Dr. Udpa recommends other MSU units also hold. Office 365 new product; outages reported in business and higher education institutions. Take time to evaluate Office 365 stability over time. Evaluate efficacy of cloud services for MSU.
Future of Over the last decade, MSU spent about $1M total on its system, which is a rather small budget for a mission-critical enterprise system. For the little we spent, we got a surprisingly functional system in return, as we have highly qualified personnel on campus. We should look into what an adequate investment in services would buy us in-house. -University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA) Ad-Hoc Committee on System Migration Report
Next Steps Continue to monitor universities that moved to Office 365 especially re: stability and functionality. Continue to plan for future: 150+ Exchange servers on campus o GroupWise and other systems also o No central calendaring service o Lack of storage Faculty/staff = 1 GB storage Students = 512 MB storage
Next Steps Evaluate costs and potential solutions: o Upgrade hardware infrastructure and increase (double) storage Rough estimate is $750,000 o Licensing costs for university-wide CampusAD and Exchange system: Rough estimates: - $414,000 for faculty/staff for 3 years - $1,152,000 for students for 3 years Gauge campus interest; explore cost models.