Complete the work on the board. OR Complete the sheet on your desk. Starter 1 Complete the work on the board. OR Complete the sheet on your desk. Effective Participators
Write down 3 things you learnt last lesson. Starter 2 Write down 3 things you learnt last lesson. Effective Participators
Find 5 spelling mistakes or punctuation errors in your partner’s book. Starter 3 Find 5 spelling mistakes or punctuation errors in your partner’s book. Reflective Learners
Starter 4 With your partner OR group discuss the question(s) OR statement(s) OR image(s) on the board. Team Workers
Prepare yourself to answer the question(s) written on the board. Starter 5 Prepare yourself to answer the question(s) written on the board. Self Managers
Starter 6 Look at the learning objective(s). Write down what you expect to learn in today’s lesson. Creative Thinkers
Independent Enquirers Starter 7 You have 5 minutes to find as many words in the dictionary/thesaurus to do with today’s topic as you can. Independent Enquirers
Write down 3 questions you have after last lesson. Starter 8 Write down 3 questions you have after last lesson. Reflective Learners
Sketch an image showing visually what you learnt last lesson. Starter 9 Sketch an image showing visually what you learnt last lesson. Creative Thinkers
Starter 10 Share your homework with your partner. Write 2 things they have done well and 1 question you have. Reflective Learners