Successful Lessons – Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

Successful Lessons – Introduction

SUCCESSFUL LESSONS Preview 1 Welcome to this workshop on planning successful lessons! In this training we’ll learn that even though we plan well for lessons, there’s so much more that we can do before, during and after the lesson to ensure they are a success!

Small Group Discussion Besides the content you are teaching, what do you need to plan in order for a lesson to be successful? Preview 2 Divide the participants into small groups. Ask them to discuss the prompt. Ask a person from each group to share an idea or two.

Video Play the video.

Paired Discussion Think about a time you planned what you thought was a great lesson. Did it go exactly as you planned? Did you have to come up with a Plan B? What did you do? Share your experience with a partner. Review As you can see in the video, even though we do our best at planning for our lessons, they don’t always go exactly the way we expected. Let’s share some of our experiences with lessons we’ve taught. Ask participants to find a partner and discuss the prompt. Allow for a few minutes for pairs to discuss, then ask a few to share either a story with a “scenario B” or one that didn’t go the way they expected it to.