Выполнил: ученик 8 «А» класса Фирсов Леонид
the monarch the government Parliament
the Queen is the official head of state and an integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role. She has mostly representative function and gives the royal assent to the bills by the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Elizabeth II
David Cameron He is the head of government with the majority seats in the House of Commons.
About 20 ministers determines government policies and coordinates government departments. There are some of them.
THE HOUSE OF LORDS The House of Commons
Ed Miliband The Official Opposition is the largest opposition party, forms the Shadow Cabinet. About 650 elected MPs make laws and discuss political problems.
There are over 1100 permanent, non-elected members – peers and life peers – examines and revises bills from the House of Commons; can delay bills for one year.