Study laryngoscope blades. Study laryngoscope blades. (A) Size-0 Miller Welch-Allyn (top) and size-0 Miller Rusch-Teleflex (bottom). (B) Size-00 Miller Welch-Allyn (top) and size-00 Miller Rusch-Teleflex (bottom). (C) Size-0 Miller Welch-Allyn (right) and size-0 Miller Rusch-Teleflex (left). (D) Size-00 Miller Welch-Allyn (right) and size-00 Miller Rusch-Teleflex (left). Joseph O'Connell, and Gary Weiner bmjpo 2017;1:e000157 © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.