Curriculum Map
Statement of intent Key Stage: KS3 Subject: Art Academic Year: 2019-20 Art should engage, inspire and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of Art. As students progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design every half term. Students will analyse the work an artist or artistic movement that links to the topic covered, these skills will allow students to access Assessment Objective One at GCSE. Students will produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences using artistic language and vocabulary so that they can demonstrate the artistic process. Students will evaluate their work at consolidation phase of their lessons, these skills will enable students to access Assessment Objective Three marks at GCSE. Students will become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture this will enable our students to accurately realise their intentions and find themselves as artists. Students will gain experience of water colour, acyclic paint, pencil sketching, charcoal drawing, collage, printmaking and sculptural techniques over the course of year 7 and year 8. Students will evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art so that they can evidence the link between their own work and the work of artists or artistic movements this will further enhance students with Assessment Objective two and three.
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: Subject: Academic Year 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 7 Unit Natural Forms Line and mark making experiments inspired by the work of Karl Blossfelt Print making (monotype) Artist to be announced Tonal studies Crosshatching Charcoal drawing Pencil sketching Pointillism Colour Colour wheel Colour Tonal Study Colour pencil Poster paint Landscape painting Landscape study inspired by Reissengebirge By Kasper David Freidrich Live landscape Water colour Architectural Drawing Single point perspective Interior use Street scene use 2 point perspective Live architectural drawing Drawing the school form Drawing the school 2 point perspective Artist or artistic movement Karl Blossfelt Georgia O’keef Kaspar David Friedrich Renaissance art Brian Alfred Assessment Each half term students will complete a different piece of art as outlined across Sketched continuous line drawing inspired by zoomed in images Pencil Drawn tonal study Poster Paint Colour tonal study Water colour landscape painting 2 point perspective drawing Street scene Final piece inspired by Brian Alfred using either single or 2 point perspective studies
Curriculum Overview Key Stage: KS3 Subject: Art Academic Year 2019-20 Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring1 Summer 1 & Summer 2 Year 8 Portraiture Frontal view portraiture Artist inspiration Julian Opie Side view portraiture Artist inspiration Leonardo Da Vinci ¾ view portraiture Artist inspiration: Sherperd Fairey And distortion Artist inspiration Cubism: Brno Del Zou/Picasso Sculpture Naum Gabo Artist or artistic movement Julian Opie Brno Del Zou Assessment Each half term students will complete a different piece of art as outlined across Pencil drawing from the front Pencil drawing from the side Pencil drawing from ¾ view Pencil drawing/ painted response Sculptural response