Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY Contact Us Conference Time: M-W,F 12:15-1:05 Phone: (903) 737-7458 FB Page: Justiss 1st Grade Crew laura.chesshire@parisisd.net (English Language Arts/ Reading//Writing) kimmy.rhodes@parisisd.net (Math/Science/Social Studies) 1st Grade Crew News Dec. 3-7, 2018 yytyt A Note From Your Captains Mrs. Chesshire’s homeroom is running low on snacks. Guided Reading benchmarking is in progress. 6- Santa Pics $2.00 13- 3rd grade program 18- Choir/Jammers Winter performance 9am 20- Pajama/Polar Express Movie Day 21- Christmas Breakfast Party @ 8:15--Early dismissal at 11:45 24-Jan 4 Christmas Break Jan 7- Teacher Workday Students will return to school on Jan. 8th *Rise Up Assembly every Friday at 7:30am *Family Reading Night every Wednesday 4-6pm in the library. Anchored in Learning v Reading & Phonics Writing Math Science Social Studies Reading skill: We will review story structure and introduce comparing/contrasting characters and stories. Students will also compare and contrast Christmas and Hanukkah traditions. Comprehension Story: Oskar and the Eight Blessings by: Richard and Tanya Simon Phonics: compound words, suffixes -less,-ness, -ly, and vowel teams ai and ay. Ex. Rain and play Grammar: Continue using and identifying verbs in our journals. Students will record new vocabulary and respond to their prompts in their story tablets. Students will practice the subtraction strategy of subtracting two. Students will tally items and skip count by 5’s. Students will use a ruler to draw a line segments. Students will discuss and research the different places that water is found in nature. Students will discuss how maps help us in our everyday lives. Students will create a map of their own. Sight Words: their goes Spelling Words TEST ON FRIDAY she, too, keep, same, more, we’ll, shack, went, tablet, brushing Dictated Sentence: The deck is next to their pool.