What is Chomp Down on Energy? UFs energy efficiency campaign Encourages students, staff and faculty to be conscientious of their energy use on campus, and take small steps to help reduce the carbon emissions In 2006, UF President J. Bernard Machen was the first to sign the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, committing to reduce our carbon emissions and educate our campus community about climate change. American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment
Main UF campus uses approx. 470,000 megawatts of power annually Electricity in 2008 cost the university about $38 million Overall energy consumption in UF buildings accounts for over 75% of UFs carbon footprint Plug-load from equipment (computers, copiers, lighting) accounts for roughly 30-40% of a building's energy use and resulting carbon emissions Remaining energy use/resulting emissions due to building design, construction, and daily systems operation Energy by the Numbers
UF Physical Plant Department, Facilities Planning and Construction and Auxiliaries Maintenance staff are working hard to reduce energy use by: Constructing more efficient buildings Managing building temperatures with programs such as holiday setbacks, retrofitting lighting systems, and doing maintenance and Renovations to heating, ventilation and air condition systems across campus. Green IT Task Force is working to develop power management standards for university wide implementation Solar panels have been installed on Powell Hall (Florida Museum of Natural History) with more to come on the Eastside Campus What is UF Doing?
Energy Saving Tips Flip the Switch - If you are going to be leaving a room for more than a few seconds, or are the last person to leave a meeting, class, or conference, take a moment to turn out the lights. Let it Rest – Enable the sleep mode on your computer and peripherals (monitor, printer, scanner, etc.) and all office equipment. For laboratories, enforce proper management of fume hoods and other energy-intensive research equipment – shut the sash whenever the hood is not in use. This will reduce direct energy use, help with safety, and reduce the heat load generated by the equipment.
Shut Down Phantom Power - Most equipment and electronics use power even when they are in the off position. This is sometimes called phantom power. Ensure that your office isnt a culprit by unplugging devices when they are not in use or using a power strip to turn off all machines at the wall with the flip of a switch. Last to Leave - Find a willing volunteer who can ensure lights and equipment are off at the end of every day, especially on Fridays. By making this a rotating or shared responsibility, it helps get the word out to the whole department about this important action. Energy Saving Tips
Materials and Support The Office of Sustainability offers light-switch stickers to help remind everyone to flip the switch. Together we can all help create a more sustainable UF! For comments, inquiries, suggestions, or to request stickers, contact: Ashley Pennington, Office of Sustainability
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