Amener, Emmener, Apporter, Emporter
Apporter / amener =To bring The French verbs apporter and amener are used to indicate that you are bringing someone/something with you to the place where you are. Apporter can only be used with things you can carry. Amener has to be used with people, animals, and vehicles.
A la fête , apportez des CD et invitez des amis.
Exemples J'ai amené mon frère à la fête. I brought my brother to the party. J'ai apporté mon livre à la fête. I brought my book to the party.
Emporter / emmener =To take Emporter and emmener are used to mean that you are taking someone/something to a different place than you are right now. Emporter : is for things you can carry, Emmener is for people,animals, or vehicles.
Exemples J'ai emmené mon frère à la fête. I took my brother to the party. J'ai emporté mon livre à la fête. I took my book to the party.
Luc emmène son chien chez le vétérinaire. Pour aller en vacances, n’emporte pas trop de baggages! Exercices page 20 (D)