16 06: CLOTHING 20 GCSEart&designexamination Key Stage 4 Artists and designers often use clothing to create a sense of identity. Painter Peter Blake’s distinctive appearance is reflected in his ‘Self-portrait with Badges’. Valeska Valentina Jasso Collado creates sculptural clothing. Fashion photographer Tim Walker and eco-fashion designer Gary Harvey use lavish clothing to create distinctive characters. Carrie Ann Schumacher makes paper sculptures in the form of dresses that draw attention to stereotypes and issues of identity. Research appropriate sources and use and media to develop work in response to Clothing.
GCSEart&design2015/16 PETER BLAKE painter Key Stage 4 Peter Blake’s self-portrait shows his equal respect for historical tradition and modern popular culture. He may have based this image on Thomas Gainsborough’s famous portrait The Blue Boy (illustrated to the left). But Blake’s blue fabric is not silk but denim – a material associated at the time with American youth culture. Blake’s fascination with American popular culture is further emphasised by his baseball boots and badges, and the magazine dedicated to Elvis Presley, who had just become well known in Britain. Blake uses these objects like a traditional portrait painter, to suggest his interests or achievements. KEY WORDS – IDENTITY, CULTURE, STYLE, PERSONAL, SELF -PORTRAIT
GCSEart&design2015/16 VALESKA VALENTINA JASSO COLLADO painter Key Stage 4 GCSEart&design2015/16 Fashion designer Valeska Jasso Collado combined metal, foam and latex to create Memphis-influenced garments for her University of Westminster graduate collection. She chose an unusual combination of materials to create bold shapes reminiscent of furniture from the 1980s Milan-based design movement lead by designer Ettore Sottsass. painter VALESKA VALENTINA JASSO COLLADO
GCSEart&design2015/16 painter Key Stage 4 http://www.valeskacollado.com/ KEY WORDS – FASHION STRUCTURE FORM SHAPE DESIGN MODERN SILHOUETTE
GCSEart&design2015/16 TIM WALKER painter Key Stage 4 Tim Walker’s photographs have entranced the readers of Vogue, month by month, for over a decade. Extravagant staging and romantic motifs characterise his unmistakable style. TIM WALKER
GCSEart&design2015/16 GARY HARVEY painter Key Stage 4 Re-cycled ‘Eco-Couture’ Collections: Inspired by vintage couture and made entirely from recycled clothing. The collection was initially set up to raise awareness of limited natural resources and environmental issues involved in placing unwanted clothing into landfill and generate respect for the craftsmanship in recycling/upcycling. http://www.garyharveycreative.com/
GCSEart&design2015/16 CARRIE ANN SCHUMACHER painter Key Stage 4 “The dresses I create from the pages of romance novels examine the demands that feminine culture places upon women... Women often define themselves through clothing; we use our appearance to project ambitions, attract mates and signal our social status. Fashion magazines become the bibles that guide the creation of self-image... Romance novels echo this sentiment, as they represent an impossible alternate reality, one where love and relationships are all-consuming and eternally passionate… The dresses reflect this as they are seductively beautiful, but due to the material from which they are created, unable to be worn. Completely without function, it represents how useless the feminine myths we have created are in real life.” painter CARRIE ANN SCHUMACHER http://www.carrieannschumacher.com/
4 2 3 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 1 AO GCSEart&design2015/16 DEVELOP REFINE RECORD Key Stage 4 GCSEart&design2015/16 GCSE AQA Assessment Objectives // Exploring the Journey and Process AO1 Your examination should show CLEAR EVIDENCE of the following – DEVELOP Your ability to EXPLORE and ANALYSE what you see, and to interpret the world around you in a CREATIVE way. This will include drawing from observation, photography, and expressive work in different media used in CONTEXT. Work that is SKILFULLY and sensitively produced, showing CONTROL of technique and media. Must show CONSIDERATION when using any material or media. Well-PRESENTED artwork making creative use of the sketchbook page/paper. EXPERIMENTATION with a broad range of media. RESEARCH using a wide range of visual sources, and the ability to select and use this research in an INFORMED and coherent way. Planning and making informed judgements about how to DEVELOP and REFINE your work. Knowledge of DIFFERENT kinds of artwork from different cultures, times and places. Well thought through OPINIONS about art, and your OWN work which can be justified, using a wide RANGE of art vocabulary in an appropriate way. AO2 REFINE AO3 Course Requirements RECORD AO4 You must show that you have visually researched and developed an idea, evaluated your own work, explored and evaluated the work of other artists, and made clear observations about how this research has informed your own visual development. Your final outcome MUST be informed by the supporting studies and preparatory work you have completed and make connections with the work of other artists OUTCOME
4 2 3 AO1 AO2 AO3 AO4 1 AO GCSEart&design2015/16 DEVELOP REFINE RECORD Key Stage 4 GCSEart&design2015/16 GCSE AQA Assessment Objectives // Outline and Descriptions AO1 DEVELOP ideas through INVESTIGATIONS informed by CONTEXTUAL sources showing ANALYTICAL understanding DEVELOP AO2 REFINE ideas through EXPERIMENTING and SELECTING appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes. REFINE AO3 RECORD ideas, observations and insights RELEVANT to intentions in visual and other forms Assessment Objectives RECORD AO4 Present a PERSONAL informed and meaningful response, realising intentions and making, CONNECTIONS between visual, written, oral or other elements OUTCOME