Valley Grande Elementary School 2019-2020 Supply lists Valley Grande Elementary School 2019-2020
Must Have Items: Wish List Items: Mesh or clear backpack (labeled) 6 Paper Towels Change of clothes (labeled) 3 Kleenex 3 Prong yellow Plastic Folder 3 Baby wipes $10 for school t-shirt 1 Germ X 2 Hand Soap Glue (stick and bottle) Washable Markers Dry-erase Markers Watercolor Paint Lysol or Clorox Wipes Lysol spray Shaving Cream Cotton Balls Ziploc bags 1 pack copy paper
Mesh or clear backpack 4 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons 1 box of Ziploc storage bags (Gallon) No. 2 pencils (please sharpen) 1 box of Ziploc storage bags (Quart) Ear buds 2 packages of copy machine paper 3 CLOTH zippered pencil pouch (no plastic-they tear up to quickly) 2 bottles of hand sanitizer 3 packages of baby wipes (100 count) 2 plastic red folders: Fivestar Brand 1 can of Lysol 3 rolls of paper towels Extra change of clothes labeled with student’s name (put in a Ziploc bag) 3 boxes of Kleenex 3 packs of glue sticks Dry erase markers/ eraser Safety scissors $5 Art Fee 1 package of play dough $10 t-shirt
Mesh or clear backpack 2 pack baby wipes (100 count) 3 packs of #2 pencils (10 pack) 2 Clorox wipes 4 boxes of (24 count) Crayola crayons Plastic pocket folders (2 blue 1 red) 2 highlighters 1 bottles hand sanitizer 1 pack notebook paper 2 packs of copy paper 1 pack cap erasers 1 pack colored copy paper 3 boxes Kleenex 3 composition notebooks 3 rolls paper towels Boys only: 1 box Ziploc storage bags (Gallon Size) 4 bottles Elmer’s glue and 4 glue sticks Scissors (student friendly) Girls only: 1 box Ziploc storage bags (Quart Size) 1 Zip Pouch (NO SUPPLY BOXES!) 1 pack construction paper $5 Art Fee $10 T shirt
Mesh or Clear Backpack 2 packs of copy paper Ear buds or headphones Pencil Pouch 2 Boxes of 24 count crayons 1 Bottle of Clorox wipes 1 pack of colored pencils 2 RED pocket folders Safety Scissors 2 BLUE pocket folders 2 packs of glue sticks (6-8 total) 1 pack of binder dividers 1 pack of Expo markers Ruler with inches & centimeters 3 packs of pencils 1 binder (1 inch) 3 rolls of paper towel 3 big erasers 3 boxes of Kleenex $5 Art 2 bottles of Germ-X hand sanitizer $10 for school T-shirt (Mandatory for field trips) 1 bottle of hand soap 1 box of gallon-sized baggies 3 packs of wide ruled notebook paper 2 composition notebooks
Mesh or Clear Backpack Ear buds Safety Scissors 3 Paper Towels 3 Kleenex 2 Germ X 1 Hand Soap Girls Only: 1 Clorox Wipes Boys Only: 1 Bottle of Lysol Disinfectant Spray 2 Elmer’s Glue 1 Pencil Box (for supplies) 2 Packs of Pencils (no lead pencils) 3 Packs of Loose Leaf Paper 2 Pocket Folders (1 Red and 1 Green) 4 Composition Books 1 Box of Crayola Crayons 1 pack of Expo Dry Erase Makers Girls Only: 1 box Ziploc Storage Bags Boys Only: 1 Bottle of 409 2 packs of Copier Paper $10 for school T-shirt
Mesh or Clear Backpack 1 Pencil Box Earbuds 1 Pack Cap Erasers Safety Scissors 3 Packs Loose Leaf Paper 3 Rolls Paper Towels 1 Pack Graph Paper 3 Kleenex 2 Packs Copy Paper 2 Germ-X 6 Composition Notebooks 1 Hand Soap 1 pack Expo Markers Girls only: 1 Clorox Wipes $ 10 T Shirt Boys only: 1 Bottle Lysol Disinfectant Spray 2 Elmer’s Glue 1 Box 24-count Crayons 1 Box Colored Pencils 2 Packs Number 2 Pencils
Mesh or Clear Backpack 4 bottles of Elmer’s glue 3 Paper Towels 1 Pencil Pouch (for supplies) *no boxes 3 Kleenex 4 Packs of Loose Leaf Paper 2 Germ X 2 pack of graph paper 2 Hand Soap 2 packs of copier paper 1 Clorox Wipes 6 composition notebooks (no spirals) 1 box of 24 count Crayola crayons 1 box Ziploc Bags (Quart Size) 1 box of markers 1 package of ruled index cards 1 box of colored pencils $10 for School T-shirt (if needed) 3 Packs of #2 Pencils Ear buds Scissors (student friendly)
Mesh or Clear Backpack Ear buds Safety Scissors 3 Paper Towels 3 Kleenex 2 Germ X 1 Hand Soap Girls Only: 1 Clorox Wipes Boys Only: 1 Bottle of Lysol Disinfectant Spray 1 box of colored pencils 2 Packs of #2 Pencils 1 Pencil Bag 4 Packs of Loose Leaf Paper 1 pack of graph paper 6 composition notebooks (no spirals) 1 Binder (1 inch) 1 basic calculator Girls Only: 1 box Ziploc Bags (Quart Size) Boys Only: 1 box Ziploc Bags (Gallon Size) $10 Locker Fee