Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:1-11 The Better Way: Hebrews


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Presentation transcript:

Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:1-11 The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST Scripture Focus: Hebrews 4:1-11

The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST The Word to Live By: There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience. Hebrews 4:9-11

The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST Session Truth: We are called to trust God with a faith that yields our own way to God’s way, a faith that produces inner rest and peace.

“But you promised!” Has anyone ever said this to you? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST “But you promised!” Has anyone ever said this to you? How did it make you feel?

Why do you think the Hebrews needed to be reminded of God’s rest? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST Why do you think the Hebrews needed to be reminded of God’s rest? Why didn’t the ancient Israelites enter into God’s rest?

What do we need to do to enter God’s rest? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST What do we need to do to enter God’s rest? What does “His work has been finished from the creation of the world” mean?

What does this teach us about God’s character? His grace? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST Why did some “not go in” to God’s rest? What does this teach us about God’s character? His grace? Why did God set “a certain day… Today”?

What kind of “rest” did Joshua offer? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST What kind of “rest” did Joshua offer? What is the Sabbath-rest that remains for God’s people?

What produces unrest in your life? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST What produces unrest in your life? Have you ever experienced rest in the midst of a trying day? What made the difference?

Who can enter this promised rest? The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST Who can enter this promised rest? Is it only for “super-Christians”? What prevents people from entering this rest?

in the center of Your will. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST The Center of His Will Prayer Lord, I long to live in the center of Your will. Show me what is right, and enable me to do it.

Give me a right perspective The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST The Center of His Will Prayer Give me a right perspective on life, and teach me to care about the things that matter to You.

and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. The Better Way: Hebrews No Other Gospel: Galatians 7. THE BETTER REST The Center of His Will Prayer Empower me for service, and let me give myself faithfully in Christlike ministry to others. I pray in Christ’s strong name. Amen.