CATALOG MAINTENANCE Cross-listing a Course Questions? Office of Academic Affairs Loretto Hall, WEBG 314-246-7847
Introduction Beginning with the Spring 2016 term, a new field named “Section Location” has been added to the course section profile in CARS. This required field should always be the section’s physical location (your campus code) for regular on- ground courses and is designed to help the university track students’ physical location when taking WebNet+ courses taught by an instructor at another campus.
To complete this tutorial, you will need: Jenzamate To get started: Open the Jenzamate Application Log in using your CARS ID and password
Step 1: Look for your course
Type in password: “cars”
Type in desired term (ex. SU16)
❸ ❶ ❷ ❶ Enter course prefix and number ❷ Enter current catalog: Ex: for 2015-16 GR15 (for grad course) or UG15 (for undg course) Ex: for 2016-17 GR16 (for grad course) or UG 16 (for undg course) ❸ Click on the checkmark to summon the course record
Step 2: Choose which section to cross-list
❷ ❶ A list of section numbers will appear. Use your down arrow key to scroll through the listing. Select the appropriate section number and press “Enter” or click the green checkmark.
Step 3: Add a new section to cross-list Note: The next few slides will show you how to create a new section of an existing course using the “copy section” tool. It assumes that a section to cross-list with already exists for the term selected. To create the first section of this course, use the “Create a Course in CARS” tutorial. If the section you would like to cross-list already exists, skip to slide 18, ensuring that you remove existing meeting and instructor records before pressing the cross-list button.
Note: Section Location is a new mandatory field in the course profile starting in Spring 2, 2016. For “regular” (non-WebNet+) courses, this section location is always the same as your campus location code. The Section Location field is used for WebNet+ classes to indicate where the students in a particular section will physically be seated for class.
Note: Enter this information from the course you are cross-listing with. Include the prefix and number of the course, the catalog, the section number and the instruction method. Here “LC” indicates a Lecture Course. To crosslist a WebNet+ course, ensure that both of your sections have the instruction method code of “WN” before continuing.
Note: Here you can check that both sections are correctly listed before clicking the green checkmark
Thank you for completing this tutorial Questions? Office of Academic Affairs Loretto Hall, WEBG 314-246-7847