RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Upcoming Courses RO-102 – Registration RO-103 – Grades RO-104 – Courses and Sections More to come….
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE What is the Registrars Office? It is our goal to meet all operational deadlines permitting students, faculty, and staff to effectively and efficiently move from the beginning to the end of a semester Closely related to our primary goal is to insure that all student record and course data are accurate and complete and can be relied upon in the establishment and realization of university goals. Maintain official student academic records including transcripts and grades Manage Banner course catalog, Class Bulletin, and registration Evaluate transfer credits for new and continuing undergraduate students Evaluate completion of degree requirements for graduation Interpret and apply university, state and federal academic policies and procedures
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Who is the Registrars Office? Registrar Donna Haley Graduation Group Wanda Eidson – Assistant Registrar Melanie Hight – Departmental Assistant Amy Sadler – Departmental Assistant Transfer Group Debra Hytower – Assistant Registrar Ashley Reece – Departmental Associate Crystle Stafford – Departmental Assistant Operations Group Cassie Morgan – Associate Registrar Scott Brown – Departmental Associate Allysn Marple – Departmental Associate Tammy Towler – Departmental Assistant Linda Cook – Records Coordinator Closely related, Enrollment Services Center
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Graduation Group Process Graduation application for undergraduates Determine if potential graduates are meeting requirements or need to be deferred Process undergraduate diplomas: Proofing Adding Seals of DSW or Certificates Mailing out Processing returned diplomas Make adjustments in Wolf Watch
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Graduation Group Wanda Eidson – Supervisor Proof the Graduation Program Updates Scribe, the behind the scenes information of Wolf Watch Amy Sadler – Departmental Assistant Order replacement diplomas Process Major/Minor/Concentration declarations Melanie Hight – Departmental Assistant Determine students eligibility to graduate with Honors Apply exceptions to Wolf Watch with approvals from department chairs
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Transfer Group Purpose To provide the transfer student equivalent courses at UWG for those courses completed at other institutions. Preliminary Transfer Process As a part of the transfer admission procedure, students send official transcripts/documents to the Admission office. Once the student is accepted, the Registrars Office receives a Request for Evaluation along with the students transcripts.
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Transfer Group Debra Hytower – Supervisor Transfer Credit Evaluation New students Readmitted students Transient students Advanced Placement Credit GCE/ASAL Graduate
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Transfer Group Ashley Reece – Departmental Associate Transfer Credit Evaluation New students International students Readmitted students Transient students CLEP International Baccalaureate Military GCE/ASAL
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Transfer Group Crystle Stafford – Departmental Assistant Transfer Credit Evaluations New Students Other Transfer Group duties as needed
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Operations Group Cassie Morgan – Supervisor Registrars Website Scoop ADM (Academic Data Mart) Submission A system used to report student and institutional information to the Board of Regents at the beginning and end of each semester Various Registrar Processes Term Processing End of Term Processing Procedures Clearinghourse Submission
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Operations Group Scott Brown – Registration/Courses Tammy Towler – Asst. Registration Manage Banner Catalog of courses Supervise/Edit Banner Section Building Late Add/Drop, Withdraws, Attendance Verification Grade Changes, Independent Studies, Credit by Exam Term Processing and Error Checking End of Term Processing TAP Registration Other various duties
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Operations Group Allysn Marple – Graduate Studies Associate Receive, review, and process Graduate Applications for graduation Correspond with GSAs within each College to process graduate degree candidates Review and evaluate graduate level student records Interpret policies governing degree requirements Communicate graduation information Award and/or defer Masters and Doctoral degrees Order Graduate Level diplomas
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Operations Group Linda Cook – Records Coordinator Administrative Support for all of Registrars Office Coordinate Student workers Assist with ARCHE program Enter and maintain Graduate Assistantships (GRAs) Assist in Commencement preparation
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Enrollment Services Center UWGs First Stop for Financial Aid and Registration Assisting students with: Applying for Financial Aid Answering loan, HOPE, SAP, and scholarship questions Submitting forms to FA and RO Veteran Questions Wolf Watch Drop/Add/Withdrawal and general registration Printing Rush Transcripts Taking Graduation Applications
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Enrollment Services Center All employees in the ESC are considered generalist and have been cross-trained on the functions of the ESC for superior customer service to students, faculty, and staff. Some member have areas of specialization for answering in-depth questions or managing unique circumstances.
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Who is the Enrollment Services Center? Sherry Robinson – Director Clint Backstrom – Bursars Office Representative Jennifer Jordan – Enrollment and Retention Jennifer Maxwell – Wolf Watch and Graduation Judith Horne – Veterans Certifications Kyrk Walker– Transcripts Rachael Findley – Loan Coordinator Trista Edwards– HOPE and SAP Coordinator Tikia Almon – Front Desk Generalist
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE What we DONT do? Process Tuition or Fees Determine in/out of state residency Grant access to BanWeb or correct issues dealing with myUWG, BanWeb, or CourseDen Issue Housing Assignments Write reports for faculty/staff Waive Late Fees Act as Academic Advisors Approve Wolf Watch Petitions Manage the PRODUCTION of the Catalog Manage the University Calendar Make policy Bursar Admissions ITS or Distance Ed Housing and Residence Life ITS Bursar Advisors VPAA VPAA or other faculty committees
RO-101 INTRO TO REGISTRARS OFFICE Coming SOON!! RO-102 Registration