Welcome 2016-17 Wednesday – day 1 Mr. Pustay
ATTENDANCE Who’s here?
17th year at West Shore 19th (overall) teaching (OLL) 2 years Bio sketch 17th year at West Shore 19th (overall) teaching (OLL) 2 years Adjunct college professor Hospital Administration/Mojave Desert 21 ½ years USAF & USA Enlisted & Officer (SSgt to Lt. Colonel) WEB SITE
First things first Parental Film & TV Permission Form Welcome Letter Friday, August 19th (50 pts) Parental Film & TV Permission Form Learning Style Survey Monday, August 22nd (25 pts) True Colors Personality Test Monday, August 15th (50 pts)
TEENAGERs Delayed gratification is a thing of the past. Look around you. Credit cards, cell phones, technology, and human weakness all contribute to the epidemic of instantaneous gratification we see today. In essence, you find that you get more pleasure from delayed gratification than from immediate gratification.
TEENAGERs People who invest in immediate gratification associate little work with high rewards. People who invest in delayed gratification associate hard work with high rewards.
Delay gratification