Day of Pentecost
Pentecost (fifty days) Mt Sinai; Wind, fire, voices Seven weeks from Start of grain harvesting
“YOU will be my witnesses………”
“You will receive power when the Holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1;8
“my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth…”
Peter’s Pentecost message (Acts 2;22-41) JESUS His life and ministry 2;22 His death 2;23 His resurrection 2;24-32 His exaltation 2;33-36 - from there he pours out the Spirit to all who repent, believe and are baptized.– How great is that!? “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this; God has made Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” 2;36
The Gospel message summarised….. Two events – Christ’s death and resurrection Two witnesses – prophets and apostles Two promises – forgiveness and the Holy Spirit Two conditions - repentance and faith, with baptism. See Luke 24;47
Peter’s earnestness…….Acts 2;40 “Save yourselves from this perverse generation” Phillips “he continued to exhort them saying “Save yourself from this crooked generation” English Standard version “He went on in this vein for a long time, urging them over and over again, “Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture” The message “With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation’ NIV
The Holy Spirit Knows our weakness Points to Jesus Courage to witness Makes us Christlike
Witnesses…by deed and word pointing to Jesus